Issue - meetings

NASACRE Chairs of London SACREs

Meeting: 12/09/2007 - Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education (Item 20)

20 NASACRE Chairs of London SACREs pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive feedback from the meeting.


Ms Chaplin reported back from the meeting of the NASACRE Chairs of London SACREs meeting held recently.  The aim of the conference was to bring together the Chairs of all London SACREs to network and work  together.  The meeting had discussed the following topics in workshops:


  • The future of RE
  • The future of SACREs
  • What are the SWOTs(stengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)
  • How can we improve RE


Interesting feedback from the discussion groups had been received.  The main issues that came out of the  workshops were:


  1. How does SACRE monitor RE in schools.
  2. There was no mechanism for getting information from schools.


It was recognised that the National Strategy for RE should be used nationally. However, it was noted that there was not a national RE curriculum but a framework as each SACRE set its own Syllabus.