Decision details

Award of contract for lift refurbishment works at the Weymarks estate.

Decision Maker: Director for Housing, Regeneration and Planning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


1) Award Jackson Lift Services Limited the contract for lift refurbishment works at the Weymarks estate, for the tendered sum of £304,680.
2) Approval of total project fees of £25,904.
3) Approval of the total project cost of £330,584 and;
4) Approval, under Contract Standing Order 9.07.3, of the issue of a letter of intent for 10% of the contract sum.

Reasons for the decision:

Approval of the award of contract to Jackson Lift Services Ltd to undertake lift refurbishment works at the Weymarks estate. The issue of a letter of intent, pending conclusion of the formal contract, is required to allow the planned work to start on site.

Alternative options considered:

The option of doing nothing was considered
but ruled out. The refurbishment works are
essential to ensure the lift installations remain
serviceable and safe for use by residents
and visitors to the blocks. These works are required to ensure compliance under the relevant lift regulations.

Publication date: 17/06/2020

Date of decision: 27/05/2020

Accompanying Documents: