Decision details

Approval to pay the fee for the first year’s membership of the Setting the Standard (STS) project which will provide additional monitoring and inspection services for nightly paid studio placements.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the Assistant Director for Housing:
1. Pursuant to Contract Standing Order 9.07.1.(c), approves the appointment of the Setting the Standard programme to provide oversight, co-ordination and inspections of nightly paid studio Temporary Accommodation. This will be to enforce a common standard for such accommodation.
2. Agrees to waive Contract Standing Order 8.03 (requirement to obtain at least 3 competitive quotations) pursuant to Standing Order 10.01.2.(d)(ii) and;
3. Approves a payment of £19,702 for this work (exclusive of VAT).

Reasons for the decision:

Authorisation is sought from the AD Housing to approve the payment of £19,702 to allow the programme to progress

Alternative options considered:

Continue to set and monitor standards independently on a local basis: This option was rejected because there is currently, limited ability to inspect out of borough properties. Setting a common standard among London boroughs will help ensure that rogue landlords are unable to move between competing boroughs.

Publication date: 17/06/2020

Date of decision: 16/06/2020

Accompanying Documents: