Decision details

Bruce Castle Museum Phase 1 External restoration works

Decision Maker: Interim Director Commercial & Operations

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Haringey, Client & Commissioning Manager seeks authorisation to appoint a consultant for the delivery of the Phase 1 works package of repairs and maintenance at Bruce Castle Museum and Haringey Archives.

Reasons for the decision:

Externally the building has not been maintained to the standard expected of a Grade I Listed building. The majority of the defects were originally identified within a PMT Condition Survey Report of 2008, have not been actioned with the exception of the roof works undertaken to the Victorian Wing 2010.

There are now a number of significant defects that require urgent attention to mitigate lasting, irreversible damage to the building fabric and the significance of the historic asset per se.

Alternative options considered:

Do Nothing - the Council has a commitment to ensure all our buildings are fit for purpose and safe. If this is not undertaken there is the risk of injury from falling timber balustrades and loss of historic fabric.

Alternative Framework - the option of using a framework contract was considered via Amey, however it was deemed necessary to appoint an External Chartered Surveying consultant to specify and project manage the on-site works, given the complexity and significance of the heritage asset. As a result, this negated the requirement of the Amey framework.

Publication date: 16/08/2017

Date of decision: 03/08/2017

Accompanying Documents: