Decision details

Haringey's Greenest Borough Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Haringey's strategy to tackle climate change and embed environmental sustainability in the borough


(Report of the Director of Urban Environment – Agenda Item 15):


We commended the report and thanked staff for the success of the Green Fair and the Green Awards.



In agreeing this strategy we were asked to note the Chief Financial Officers comments on section 4.3 of the interleaved report which reported that some of the measures required, for achieving the longer term climate change agenda, are likely to have significant cost implications over and above existing budget provisions.                          




  1. That the context for the development of Haringey’s Greenest Borough Strategy be noted.


  1. That the vision and key priorities for Haringey’s Greenest Borough Strategy as summarised in paragraph 7 of the interleaved report be agreed.


  1. That Haringey’s Greenest Borough Strategy as set out in Appendix A to the interleaved report be recommended for adoption to the Council at their meeting in July.


  1. That authority to make any minor amendments to the Strategy be delegated to the Director of Urban Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Conservation.


  1. That following adoption of the strategy by the Council, a detailed implementation plan be prepared.



Report author: Niall Bolger

Publication date: 24/06/2008

Date of decision: 17/06/2008

Decided at meeting: 17/06/2008 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: