Agenda item

Adoption of Alterations to the Strategic Policies (2013), Site Allocations DPD, Development Management DPD, and Tottenham Area Action Plan DPD

[Report of the Assistant Director for Planning. To be introduced by the Cabinet  Member for Housing Regeneration and Planning.]


The report documents the outcome of the independent Examination in Public into the four Local Plans and advises that these be recommended to Council for adoption as part of the local development plan for Haringey.


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and Planning introduced the report which set out the outcome of the independent Examination in Public of the above four Local Plans and advised that these be recommended to full Council in July for adoption as part of the local development plan for Haringey.


In response to a question from Councillor Newton on the protection of Tottenham High Road historic heritage, it was noted that the previous six Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans, that had just been agreed, reflected the priority given to strengthening planning policy for Tottenham High Road. Cllr Strickland also referred to the Tottenham Townscape Heritage Initiative which was a jointly funded by the Council and Heritage Lottery fund to improve shop fronts on the Tottenham High Road. Therefore, the Cabinet Member was confident that both the policy and investment actions being taken, supported improvements, whilst preserving the historic heritage of the High Road.




1.    To note the outcome of the independent Examination in Public of the Alterations to the Strategic Policies 2013, the Site Allocations DPD, the Development Management DPD, and the Tottenham AAP, as set out in Section 8 of the attached report and in the Inspector’s Report (attached at Appendix A);


2.    To recommend that Full Council adopt the Alterations to the Strategic Policies 2013, the Site Allocations DPD, the Development Management DPD, and the Tottenham Area Action Plan with the changes recommended by the Planning Inspector as set out in schedules of modifications to the Inspector’s report (attached at Appendices B - E).


Reasons for Decision

To progress the local development plans to adoption in accordance with the current Local Development Scheme, to ensure that an up-to-date Local Plan for the Borough is in place and to comply with regulatory requirements.

Alternative Options considered

It is recommended that the Council now proceed to adopt the four Local Plans incorporating the modifications as agreed and as appended to the Inspector’s Report. The modifications have been made in light of the discussions of the main issues between the Council’s officers and other participants at the Examination in Public (EiP) hearing sessions and the Inspector’s comments throughout the process. They have been the subject of public consultation and, in making the modifications, the Planning Inspector has taken into account the responses received.


The only other option available for consideration at this stage is withdrawal of one or more of the Local Plans. This option would be at odds with the Council’s adopted Local Development Scheme and it would leave Haringey without a substantial part of an up-to-date Development Plan. Given the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) presumption in favour of sustainable development that applies where boroughs do not have an up to date development plan, a decision not to adopt would leave the Council will little local policy control over the determination of applications, relying on the extant Strategic Policies and those UDP policies which are in conformity with the NPPF. It would also be a significant barrier to implementing the Council’s strategic priorities for regeneration and growth, and would obstruct securing the infrastructure necessary to meet the demands of growth in the Borough. However, there are no grounds currently that would warrant the Council’s consideration of this option.


Supporting documents: