Issue - meetings

Haringey Resident Feedback Policy

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 156)

156 Haringey Resident Feedback Policy pdf icon PDF 463 KB

Report of the Director of Culture, Strategy, and Engagement. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Resident Services Tackling Inequality.


This policy outlines our commitment to effectively handle complaints, in line

with the current Ombudsman guidance, and additionally addresses how

we will handle compliments and suggestions.


The Cabinet Member for Resident Services Tackling Inequality introduced the report which sought approval of the revised Haringey Feedback Policy, that replaced both the previous Corporate Feedback Policy and the Homes for Haringey (HfH) Complaints Policy. The Cabinet Member highlighted the following:

-       The policy included the Council’s commitment to handle complaints in line with the current Ombudsman guidance. Additionally, it addressed how compliments and suggestions would be handled.

-       Central government had introduced a new procedure to standardise complaints made to LA’s. This revised policy addressed these new procedures.


In response to questions from Cllr Emery, the following information was noted:


-       Regarding what constituted a complaint or a one-off service failure such as uncollected bins, some contacts would be treated as one off service failures. However, if a service failure was repeated many times, the issue would then be treated as a complaint.

-       In response to questions regarding timescales about contractors, or third-party complaints, it was noted that there were different contractual agreements with third parties. For instance, if a missed refuse collection occurred, then contractually Veolia would have the opportunity to resolve this before it was treated as a complaint.

-       The Cabinet Member highlighted that every borough would be adopting these new procedures by winter and there would likely be some clarification issues regarding the definition of a complaint, service enquiry, or third-party obligation.





  1. To approve the revised Haringey Feedback Policy at Appendix 1 to apply to all complaints received by the Council. (with the minor clarification added to the report at paragraph 10.1 to read Where the complaint relates to a third-party contractor, we may refer the complaint to them to undertake the service investigation, where appropriate)



Reasons for decision

To clarify the Council’s approach to complaints by adopting a single complaints policy following insourcing of HfH functions and to ensure compliance with the respective new Ombudsman Complaint Handling Codes. 


Alternative options considered 

No alternative options were considered. It was considered important for consistency to combine the two previous complaints policies following the return of Housing Service to Council control, and we were additionally obliged to ensure compliance with the Ombudsman Complaint Handling Codes.