Issue details

Haringey's Local Plan

Following Haringey's Local Plan Documents Consultation carried out between February and March 2015, the Policy Team are seeking approval from Cabinet to go to Examination in Public on the amended Local Plan Documents. The Cabinet papers will provide a summary of the responses received to the public consultation and an explanation of how and why the comments were or were not taken into account in the redrafting of the Local Plan Documents.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2015

Decision due: 20 Oct 2015 by Cabinet

DMT date and early discussion between AD and Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Planning and the Assistant Director for Planning

SLT date: 'Proposed Submission Versions of the following documents: Amendments to the Strategic Policies Local Plan Document, The Development Management Development Plan Document, Site Allocations Development Plan Document and the Tottenham Area Action Plan. Each document will be accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal

Draft report clearing date: Public