ePetition details


We the undersigned petition the council to REMOVE CPZ FROM THE WOODSIDE AREA

Since Haringey Council introduce the CPZ in the Woodside area and subsequently extended it last year the parking situation for residents has worsened, at this point the council would argue that there is a need for a CPZ after all, however it is for this exact reason why we now have a situation where people are parking in the near by roads that have no CPZ to avoid parking in their own roads that do have it. If the council had not imposed the CPZ on these roads then people would be free to park on their own roads and would not have to park hundreds of meters away to avoid paying for permits.

Parking has never been an issue in the Woodside area until the council brought in the CPZ which as I mention forced people to seek alternative locations to park - it an obvious effect, that if you restrict people from parking in a certain area, then they will park elsewhere, then when you extend that restriction, then the problem ( created by the council) moves on to other roads.

There are more than enough parking spaces in the Woodside area for everyone to park on their own roads. So lets ask the question why is the council insisting on making us pay to park outside our own homes? The first and most obvious reason is money, the fact that we will have to pay for the permits proves that this is a money making scheme, surely if it was to keep non residents from parking in our roads then why not give us the permits for free - there is no reason to pay for them. Now, lets look at non residents, if it is to deter commuters then why the all day restriction? Surely a two hour slot (like in Crouch End) would be enough to deter them. So let's say it's to stop people parking up to go shopping in Wood Green, first of all they are looking at just under a one mile walk, so no point in that, also if it is to deter shoppers, then why are the proposed restrictions only Monday to Friday, when 99% of shoppers do it on the weekend?

The council needs to either scrap the existing and all the proposed CPZ in the Woodside area. They need to stop giving us false information saying that "this what residents have asked for" , I am still to see any evidence of this and all the local residents I have spoken to feel the same. Some of the elderly residents have voiced their concerns, saying that they will not be able to have visitors or their carers come round because of the CPZ, they would have to pay for visitors permits (like they are not poor enough) and even if they do pay for visitors permits to give to their carers, they will only be valid for a certain amount of time.

Please sign the petition for the council to scrap the existing CPZ in the Woodside area and stop extending to areas that DO NOT need it.


On reaching 2200 signatures A debate will be held at full Council

This ePetition ran from 16/03/2012 to 15/05/2012 and has now finished.

19 people signed this ePetition.