Agenda item



On 26th June 2023, the Lead Member for Community Safety and Cohesion gave approval to consult on the draft Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), in respect of installing gates in Dovecote Avenue that would restrict entry and anti-social behaviour.  The purpose of this report is to present the outcome of the PSPO consultation and  to  seek the Lead Member’s approval for the proposed PSPO.



That the Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion to approve the draft Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) as contained in Appendix 1.

Reasons for decision

Over the years, the Dovecote Avenue has attracted significant ASB, including numerous reports of fly tipping, graffiti, drug dealing, drug taking, street drinking, discarded beer cans, drugs paraphernalia, urine, and faeces (see appendix 2). There is CCTV in the alley, however, due to the poor lighting and the bends, the alley has various hidden and blind spots. The residents are afforded no protection as they enter a dark and enclosed alleyway to make their way to their front door.

The activity in Dovecote Avenue, as detailed in Appendix 2, have  had or is likely that they will have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality, It is likely that the detrimental effect will be persistent, and such as to make the activities unreasonable; the effect or likely effect is such as to justify the restrictions imposed by the proposed PSPO.

A number of other alleyways within Noel Park ward, were gated with restricted access, in 2022, through the Safer Streets initiative. These alleyways had similar ASB issues as Dovecote Avenue, gating these alleyways has proven successful in significantly reducing ASB and crime in the locations. The proposed gates for Dovecote Avenue will have similar secure by design structure, compliant with required health and safety and fire regulations.

The PSPO will allow two (2) gates to be installed which will restrict access to only those residing or operating a legitimate business at the location. Other legitimate services and contractors will be provided the access through a key pad access code.  A Gerda key box will be provided for Emergency Services to access which contain key pad access code. These restrictions will enhance the prevention of crimes and ASB at the location. The alley is not heavily used by pedestrians as a cut through, so gating it will not create access problems for pedestrians and the general public but will increase the security and safety of those residents living at this location. Restricting access will create a cleaner and safer environment, where business owners and residents feel more secure in their properties.

The Council and the Police have exhausted other options such as the installation of CCTV, increase in police patrols, issuing ASB warnings, Community Protection Warnings, Community Protection Notices and Fixed Penalty Notices, but these actions have not enabled a long-term resolution to the anti-social behaviour (ASB)  issues. These behaviours are having a detrimental effect on the lives of those living and working in and around Dovecote Avenue. A PSPO will provide a more resilient and robust solution to the problems that residents experience on a daily basis.

On 26th June 2023, the Lead Member agreed that the proposal for a gating order (PSPO) to restrict access to Dovecote Avenue should be taken to public consultation.  The Consultation process began on the 31st July 2023 and continued for 6 weeks ending on 10th September 2023.

For the PSPO to be approved the Lead Member must consider the outcome of the consultation and make a decision.

Alternative options considered


Not to pursue a gating order under a PSPO. Given the length of time that the behaviour has been ongoing and the detrimental effect the behaviour is having on the residents and business located in and around Dovecote Avenue, this is not an option.


Supporting documents: