Agenda item

Asset Management Strategy 2023 - 2028

Report of the Director of Placemaking and Housing. To be introduced by Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters, and Planning and the Operational Director of Housing Services and Building Safety.


The report follows the 5 Yr. Asset Management Strategy which was approved by Cabinet in Jan 2021 and updated to ensure if reflects current Council priorities and financial assumptions.  It also addresses legislative and regulatory changes that have come into force since 2021.


The Cabinet Member Housing Services, Private Renters, and Planning introduced the report which sought approval of updated Housing Asset Management Strategy 2023 to 2028 (attached at Appendix 1).


The report followed the 5 year Asset Management Strategy which was approved by Cabinet in Jan 2021 and  was updated to ensure it reflected current Council priorities and financial assumptions. It also addressed legislative and regulatory changes that had come into force since 2021.

The Cabinet Member outlined that the following aims of the strategy:

-       Key to delivering some of the Council’s most important and ambitious Housing commitments .

-       A guide for making transparent, financially sound, and resident focused decisions about future investments.

-       Commitment to being a good landlord and reflected the commitments the Council set out in the Housing Improvement Plan.

-       Ensuring the Council meets legislative and regulatory requirements that guarantee safe, sustainable, and secure homes.

-       Zero-tolerance policy to damp and mould, as part of our wider commitment to bring all Council homes to the Decent Homes Standard by 2028.

-       Supports Haringey’s ambition to become a Net Zero carbon borough by 2041 through improving the energy efficiency of resident’s homes.


In response to questions from Cllr Cawley – Harrison the following was noted:

-       That the Council takes a proactive approach with both active and passive ventilation was rolled out in relation to damp and mould prevention.

-       The ‘Housing Asset Management Strategy 2023-2028’ was a live document and any changes would be reflected in the document regarding the decent homes standard.

-       That the Council aimed to exceed the decent home standard for its properties.

-       Leaseholders were valued by the Council as equal stakeholders and would be consulted earlier in any statutory consultation process going forward.




To approve the updated Housing Asset Management Strategy 2023 to 2028 (attached at Appendix 1).


Reasons for decision


The existing Housing Asset Management Strategy 2020 to 2025, requires

updating to ensure it reflects the changed context in which Haringey will

manage, maintain and invest in the Council’s housing stock over the next five



This includes significant changes in:


i. the building safety regulatory framework and the additional duties for

Councils set out in the Building Safety Act (2022).

ii. the wider regulatory requirements introduced by the Social Housing

Regulation Act (2023).

iii. national and local targets relating to energy efficiency and carbon



In addition, following the Council’s referral to the Social Housing Regulator

earlier in 2023, and the adoption of a new Housing Improvement Plan, the

Housing Asset Management Strategy needs updating to ensure it reflects the

relevant commitments set out in the Plan, specifically in relation to regulatory

and legislative compliance, which includes all Council housing stock meeting the Decent Homes Standard by 2028.


The strategy also needs updating so that it reflects, and is in alignment with, the current HRA Business Plan and proposals in the draft Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 to 2027/28 to increase overall investment in the housing stock over the next five years.


Alternative options considered


The option of not updating the strategy was considered but rejected. This is because the current strategy is no longer able to set the strategic framework for making informed decisions regarding investment in the Council’s housing stock. The updated strategy will provide the necessary guidance for implementing plans to meet the Decent Homes Standard, address issues of damp and mould, improve energy efficiency of the stock, and ensure the health and safety of residents living in Council owned homes.



Supporting documents: