To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, Paragraph 29 of the Council’s Constitution.
The Panel received a deputation on major events in Finsbury Park, from the Friends of Finsbury Park Group (FOFPG). The deputation was introduced by Gina Harkell and Lawrence Singh. The key points of the deputation are summarised as:
The following arose during the discussion of the deputation:
a. The Panel enquired whether the Friends group had an alternative funding proposals to cover the shortfall in income from events, if they were to be stopped. This was felt to be of particular concern given the pressures on existing budgets. In response, the Friends group advised that they felt that Finsbury Park should be funded from the Parks budget, just like every other park. It was felt that parks were a core service offer and key community resource which should be funded just like any other key service. The Friends group set out that the judicial review, clearly set out that the money raised from events had to be spent on Finsbury Park. It was suggested that getting any detailed financial information from the Council was difficult, but that the latest 2020/21 accounts set out that the staffing budget for Finsbury Park was £871k. Ms Harkell suggested that this figure seemed implausible and questioned how much the staff were being paid, given the number of staff employed there.
b. The Panel sought clarification about how they would like to see the impacts highlighted by the deputation minimised in some way. In response, the deputation party advised that the friends group was not in favour of any of the festivals taking place, particularly as at £130 a ticket, these weren’t for local people. The parks should be funded through the revenue budget and they would like to see a return to the old days of having local free festivals in the park.
c. The Panel queried whether there were any community benefits that could be used to make these festivals more accessible to local people, such as free tickets. In response, the friends group advised that they did not think it was possible to have these events in the parks safely, there were too many access points and it was not feasible to employ enough staff to cover them all. The Videos of people climbing over fences and crowd surges were alarming and there were grave concerns for people’s safety.
d. The Chair thanked the Friends group for their deputation.