Agenda item


To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, Paragraph 29 of the Council’s Constitution.


Two deputations were received by the Panel.

The first deputation was presented by Faruk Tepeyurt regarding the High Road West regeneration scheme.  Mr Tepeyurt said that he had spoken to the Panel about this issue previously and that he was speaking on behalf of businesses on the Peacock industrial estate, White Hart Lane and Tottenham High Road. Mr Tepeyurt said that under the proposals for the High Road West scheme a total 120,000 squares metres of land would be given to Lendlease plc and that business owners would have to give up their land and become leaseholders rather than freeholders. He said that the views of business owners had not been taken into account throughout the consultation process and that the existing businesses should be protected.


In response to questions from the Panel, Mr Tepeyurt and others supporting the deputation said:

  • That the existing businesses include coffee shops, a photocopying shop, eateries and dry cleaning on the High Road and mechanics, upholstery shops, joinery shops and timber yards on the industrial estates. There are more than 250 people employed on the industrial estate with a turnover of over £10m.
  • That a previous Haringey Council report had stated that 92 businesses would be disrupted by the regeneration scheme. Not all of these businesses have an alternative space to which they can relocate.
  • The businesses in the industrial estate currently own around 20,000 sq/m of land of which around 10,000 sq/m is designated for ‘B1’ business use. However, Mr Tepeyurt said that in he understands the proposal to be that only 1,000 sq/m had been allocated for the businesses under the new development so 90% was being lost.
  • That his request to the Panel is that a thorough scrutiny review of the High Road West regeneration scheme be carried out.


The second deputation was presented by Joanna Morrison, Chair of the Love Lane Temporary Accommodation Group, who also spoke about the High Road West regeneration scheme. The Love Lane estate is also included in the High Road West regeneration area and, following the change in the administration at Haringey Council which has different aspirations, Joanna Morrison said that there should be a fresh review of the current situation related to High Road West. She said that the tenants had suffered from poor standards of treatment and that all temporary accommodation tenants of the Love Lane estate should be rehoused in permanent accommodation.


In response to questions from the Panel, Joanna Morrison and others supporting the deputation said:

  • That the length of time that the tenants have been in temporary accommodation varies significantly with some there for less than two months while others had been on the waiting list for up to 11 years.
  • That the impact on tenants of their situation can include a lack of stability in their lives causing anxiety and depression. Having to move regularly because of a lack of permanent accommodation particularly affects parents and children due to changing environment and schools.
  • That there had been some positive changes to the general upkeep and maintenance of the estate since the TAG’s previous representations to the Panel last year although some concerns had not been addressed.
  • On whether it would be fair for temporary accommodation tenants to be prioritised over others on the housing waiting list, there were some tenants being moved into sites already earmarked for redevelopment and then moved out again so there should be a specific change in the policy to find permanent accommodation for these people.
  • On the proposed ballot of residents on the redevelopment it was felt that there was pressure being applied by the Council for residents to move away and that the alternative options being highlighted in recent letters to tenants, such as moving into the private sector, are not really viable options. There had been very little communication about the ballot which had already been delayed on more than one occasion.


Cllr Gordon proposed that the topic of High Road West be taken on by the Panel as a full scrutiny review. Cllr Moyeed confirmed that this was the intention of the Panel and that further discussions with Panel members would be necessary in order to determine the terms of reference for the Review.