Agenda item

Cabinet Member Q&A

An opportunity to question Cllr Jason Arthur, Cabinet Member for Finance and Health, in relation to his responsibilities concerning:

- Public Health

- Health devolution pilots

- Safeguarding adults

- Adults with disabilities and additional needs

- Adult social care

- Health and social care integration and commissioning


The Panel received information on the work of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Health, Councillor Jason Arthur. 


Councillor Arthur commenced his presentation by providing an update on work that was taking place to progress Haringey’s proposals for London’s Health and Care Devolution Programme. Councillor Arthur went on to provide an update on a range of issues, including:


-       The ongoing work being led by the Haringey Obesity Alliance. In terms of the “No Ball Games” review, the Panel was informed that 150 signs had been removed. In addition, Cllr Arthur explained a number of activities, such as Haringey’s Weekend of Play, were planned to raise awareness of problems associated with obesity and to encourage residents to become more active.


-       An update on Haringey’s Community Sexual Health services. The Panel was asked to note that further information, including reasons for recent decisions, was provided in reports considered by Cabinet in December 2016 and January 2017.


-       The fact that Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust had recently been awarded a national Health Service Journal (HSJ) award for Project Future. The Panel was informed that the service, based in Tottenham, was provided in collaboration with MAC-UK and Haringey Council. The Panel was informed that the project, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, helped young people to get back into education, employment and training, and to engage with mental health services.


-       An update on care package reviews. This included an update on review work completed by Capita and the Panel was informed that work in this area was about promoting independence in a sustainable way.


During the discussion a wide range of issues were considered in relation to carers, including support, respite, and the assessment process, and in relation to UNISON’s ethical care charter. It was agreed that an update, with input from the CCG, on the support available to carers should be included in the future scrutiny work programme for consideration during 2017/18.       


In response to questions, Cllr Arthur explained that in setting a budget for 2017/18 the Council had approved an increase in council tax of 3% relating to the adult social care precept. It was noted the levy would be added to bills in 2017/18 and 2018/19 and would bring in an additional £2.7 million per year that would be ring-fenced. The Panel asked for further information about Haringey’s adult social care budget, including the use of the precept, and it was agreed that this should be considered at the next meeting. 


In addition, findings from the Supported Housing Review were discussed.  The Panel noted that supported housing was funded by two council departments, Housing and Social Care. Cllr Arthur explained that the review had involved obtaining a range of stakeholder views, through quantitative and qualitative means, on current supported housing provision, support models, and built environments across the borough. It was highlighted that this work had been completed in light of a changing housing and social care landscape which emphasised a need to modernise and diversify the housing support offer. The Panel was informed that the findings and recommendations from the review would be considered by Cabinet on 14 March 2017.




(a)  That the update from the Cabinet Member for Finance and Health be noted.


(b)  That the items suggested for future scrutiny, highlighted in the minutes above, be included in the Panel’s work programme for 2017/18.