Agenda item

Land north of Monument Way and South of Fairbanks Road N17

Outline application for development of the site to create 54 affordable residential units (Class C3) (12 x 1 bed, 24 x 2 bed and 18 x 3 bed units) in three blocks ranging in height from 4-stories to 5-stories (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale are reserved)


RECOMMENDATION: grant permission subject to conditions and subject to s106 Legal Agreement.



The Committee considered a report on the application to grant outline planning permission for the development of the site to create 54 affordable residential units (Class C3) (12 x 1 bed, 24 x 2 bed and 18 x 3 bed units) in three blocks ranging in height from 4-stories to 5-stories (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale are reserved). The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions and subject to s106 Legal Agreement.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report.


An objector to the scheme addressed the Committee and made the following points:

·         The overshadowing report had been based on 3 and 4 storey blocks when the proposed blocks would vary from 4-5 storeys in height.

·         Concern was raised that 11 neighbouring dwellings would be negatively impacted by the development in experiencing a loss of daylight and sunlight to habitable rooms below BRE standards. Overshadowing would also result to the gardens of a number of neighbouring properties.

·         The scheme would be overbearing, with a scale out of character to the surrounding predominantly 2 storey housing and which would cause overlooking to the rear gardens of neighbouring properties.

·         A wall and established vegetation currently served as a buffer to traffic noise from Monument Way and which would be removed with the building of the scheme.


The Committee sought clarification from officers regarding the objections raised to the sun and daylight impact of the scheme on neighbouring properties. In response, it was advised that BRE standards were based on suburban, low density development patterns and as such were challenging to achieve in an urban context, particularly London, as recognised under the Mayor’s Housing SPG. Five neighbouring properties would experience noticeable losses in terms of sun or daylight but that this was considered acceptable including as the properties in question were dual aspect. 11 properties would experience a loss of sunlight to rear gardens.


In response to a question, officers advised that a detailed noise assessment would be secured by condition to ensure appropriate noise mitigation was implemented.


Representatives for the applicant addressed the Committee and raised the following points:

·         The site was a sustainable location for residential development as it adjoined the new town centre boundary.

·         The QRP were broadly in support of the scheme.

·         The development would be car free, with current parking spaces on site reprovided.

·         The impact of the development on a number of neighbouring properties in terms of loss of day and sunlight was acknowledged but considered acceptable and minimised wherever possible.

·         The scheme contained a smaller number of units than that proposed within the wider masterplan for the area in response to feedback received during the consultation to allow the scheme to feel part of the existing estate.

·         Consideration would be given to noise mitigation in relation to boundary treatments.


The Committee raised the following points in discussion of the application:

·         Clarification was sought as to why outline instead of full planning permission was being sought. The applicant advised that this had been at the advice of the Council to avoid the requirements of the government’s starter homes initiative and to maximise the number of affordable rented units delivered.

·         Concern was raised over the loss of open space currently onsite which would not be fully mitigated with the provision of a pocket park. It was advised that on balance officers considered this acceptable in light of the wider public realm investment planned in the area including to Chestnut Park.

·         Clarification was sought on the reason that only one type of affordable housing was proposed for the site. Officers advised that this was inline with the portfolio approach taken for sites within the wider Tottenham Hale Housing Zone in order to achieve a more strategic overall delivery target and housing mix.

·         In response to concerns raised regarding air quality, particularly nitrogen dioxide levels for the new development, it was advised that mitigation measures would be incorporated under condition.


Cllr Bevan put forward a motion, seconded by Cllr Beacham, to refuse the application on the grounds of overdevelopment, daylight and sunlight impacts and air quality. At a vote, the motion fell.


The Chair moved the recommendation of the report and it was



·         That outline planning application HGY/2016/2184 be approved and that the Head of Development Management is authorised to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives subject to the signing of a Legal Agreement providing for the obligation set out in the Heads of Terms below.


·         That the legal agreement referred to above be completed no later than 1st March 2017 or within such extended time as the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning shall in her/his sole discretion allow; and


·         That, following completion of the agreement referred to above    within             the time period provided for above, planning permission is granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of the conditions.



1)    Time limits for Reserved Matter (LBH Development Management)

All applications for the approval of Reserved Matters within the OUTLINE permission hereby approved, as depicted on the approved plans shall be made to the Local Planning Authority no later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, and the development hereby authorised must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates, failing which the permission shall be of no effect:

a) The expiration of three years from the date of this permission OR

b) The expiration of two years from the final date of approval of any of the reserved matters.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of Section 92 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2)    Discharge of Reserved Matter (LBH Development Management)

This permission is granted in OUTLINE, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 and before any development is commenced, the approval of the Local Planning Authority shall be obtained to the following reserved matters:

(a)  appearance;

(b)   landscaping;

(c)  layout; and

(d)   scale.

Full particulars of these reserved matters, including plans, sections and elevations and all to an appropriate scale, and any other supporting documents shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for the purpose of obtaining their approval, in writing. The development shall then be carried out in complete accordance with those particulars.

Reason: In order to comply with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) which requires the submission to and approval by, the Local Planning Authority of reserved matters.

The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.


3)    Development in Accordance with Approved Plans (LBH Development Management)


The OUTLINE development hereby authorised shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Those being:

Proposed Ground Floor Plan (16017_00_07_010); Proposed Site Plan( 16017_00_07_004); Proposed Building Heights (1601700_07_003)

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 


4)    Total Quantum of Residential Development (LBH Development Management)

The number of dwellings to be developed on the application site shall not exceed 54.

Reason: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the plans and other submitted details and to ensure the development is within the parameters assessed.


5)    Fixed Building Heights (LBH Development Management)

Any application for reserve matters submitted shall include details of existing site levels and detailed heights of all proposed buildings on the site in conformity with the Proposed Building Heights (1601700_07_003)

Reason: In the interests of proper planning and to protect the amenity of the locality.


6)    Dwelling Mix (LBH Development Management)

Any application for reserve matters submitted shall provide the following mix of dwellings:  12 one-bedroom dwellings, 24 two-bedroom dwellings and 18 three-bedroom dwellings, unless there is a demonstrable need for an alternative mix of dwellings at the time of application.


Reason: to ensure mixed and balanced communities


7)    Construction Management Plan (CMP) and Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) (LBH Transportation)

Prior to the commencement of the development, a Construction Management Plan (CMP) and Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) shall be submitted in writing to and for approval by the Local Planning Authority.  The Plans shall provide details on how construction work (including demolition) would be undertaken in a manner that disruption to traffic and pedestrians is minimised.  It is also required that construction vehicle movements be carefully planned and co-ordinated to avoid the AM and PM peak periods. The development will thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approval.


 Reason: To reduce congestion and mitigate any obstruction to the flow of traffic on the transportation and highways network.


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.


8)    Reserve Matters – Transportation Details (LBH Transportation)

Detailed plans and drawings with respect to the matters reserved for subsequent approval shall include details of the proposed access roads and landscaping, including the location of the existing cycle track and bus shelter, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; such drawings to show method of construction, traffic calming measures, drainage, street lighting, kerb alignment, levels, areas of highway visibility and surface treatment.  No part of the development shall be occupied until the works of construction have been carried out in accordance with the drawings so approved.


Reason: In the interests of proper planning and to protect the amenity of the locality.


9)    Reserve Matters – Parking Layout (LBH Transportation)

Any application for reserve matters related to layout shall demonstrate car parking space in general conformity with the plans attached to Condition 3 above. The spaces shown reserved for parking of cars shall be used for or available for such use at all times.


            Reason: to protect the amenity of adjoining occupiers.


10) Car Parking Management Details (LBH Transportation)


Details of a scheme for the management, maintenance and enforcement of car parking within the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by or on behalf of the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development is first occupied and the parking areas shall be operated in accordance with the approved scheme at all times unless previously agreed in writing by or on behalf of the Authority.

Reason: to protect the amenity of adjoining occupiers and prevent obstruction on the highway. 


11) Cycle Parking Details (LBH Transportation)


Any application for reserve matters related to layout shall be accompanied by  arrangements for cycle storage (including means of enclosure for the area concerned where necessary) in conformity with relevant London Plan standards.

Reason: To ensure that adequate cycle storage facilities are provided.


12) Electric Vehicle Charging Points Details (LBH Transportation)


Any application for reserve matters related to layout shall provide details of electric vehicle charging points in conformity with relevant London Plan policy and  guidance.

            Reason: To promote sustainable travel.


13)Wheelchair Dwelling (LBH Development Management)


At least 10% of all dwellings hereby approved shall be wheelchair accessible or easily adaptable for wheelchair use (Part M4 (3) 'wheelchair user dwellings' of the Building Regulations 2010 as amended) in conformity with Design and Access Statement, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure inclusive and accessible development


14) Child Play Space Strategy (LBH Development Management)

Any application for reserve matters relating to layout shall be accompanied by a Child Play Space Strategy.  The Strategy shall demonstrate how child play space provision will be accommodated on and off the site in conformity with benchmarks on contained in the London Plan SPG: Shaping Neighbourhoods: Play and Informal Recreation. The strategy shall be implemented prior to the occupation of the development for residential purposes.


Reason: to ensure high quality development.



15)Boundary Treatments (LBH Development Management)


Any application for reserve matters relating to landscaping shall include details of the proposed boundary treatment, including the re-provision of treatment along Monument Way, in accordance with approved pedestrian site accessed.  The details shall demonstrate appropriate retention of existing landscaping as required and a high quality of design.


Reason: In the interest of the visual amenity of the area and residential amenities of neighbouring occupiers


16)Hard and Soft Landscaping (LBH Development Management)


Any application for reserve matters relating to landscaping shall provide;


Details of hard landscaping works to include:


·         vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas

·         hard surfacing materials

·         minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting etc.)

·         proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (e.g. drainage power, communications cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports etc) including details of the re-located sub-station on the site.


Details of soft landscape works which shall include:


·           planting plans 

·           a full schedule of species of new trees and shrubs proposed to be planted (in addition to those trees required to be planted as per the re-planting condition above)

·           written specifications (including cultivation and other operations) associated with plant and grass establishment;

·           schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate; and

·           an implementation programme.


Reason:  to protect the amenity of the locality and ensure high quality landscaping.


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.


17)Drainage (LBH Senior Drainage Engineer)


The development hereby permitted shall not be begun until details of the design, implementation, maintenance and management of the sustainable drainage scheme have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  Those details shall include:


a)      Information about the design storm period and intensity, discharge rates and volumes (both pre and post development), temporary storage facilities, means of access for maintenance, the methods employed to delay and control the surface water discharged from the site and the measures taken to prevent flooding and pollution of the receiving groundwater and/or surface waters;

b)      Any works required off-site to ensure adequate discharge of surface water without causing flooding or pollution (which should include refurbishment of existing culverts and headwalls or removal of unused culverts where relevant);

c)      Flood water exceedance routes, both on and off site;

d)      A timetable for its implementation, and

e)      A management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development which shall include the arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker, management and maintenance by a Residents’ Management Company or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the sustainable drainage scheme throughout its lifetime.


Once approved, the scheme shall be implemented, retained, managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details. 


Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding, to improve and protect water quality, improve habitat and amenity, and ensure future maintenance of the surface water drainage system.

The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.


18)  Impact Piling Method Statement  (Thames Water)


No piling shall take place until a piling method statement (detailing the depth and type of piling to be undertaken and the methodology by which such piling will be carried out, including measures to prevent and minimise the potential for damage to subsurface sewerage infrastructure, and the programme for the works) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority in consultation with Thames Water.  Any piling must be undertaken in accordance with the terms of the approved piling method statement.

Reason: The proposed works will be in close proximity to underground sewerage utility infrastructure.  Piling has the potential to impact on local underground sewerage utility infrastructure. The applicant is advised to contact Thames Water Developer Services on 0800 009 3921 to discuss the details of the piling method statement.


19) Tree Re-planting Plan (LBH Development Management)


Any application for the approval of reserve matters related to landscape shall include a Tree re-planting plan.  The plan shall be in general accordance with the document Arboricultural Impact Assessment prepared by agb Environmental dated October 2016 and address the loss of amenity arising by proposing the re-planting of 20 in appropriate locations across the site.


Reason: to protect the amenity of the locality.


20)Tree Protection Method Statement  (LBH Tree & Nature Conservation)


Any application for reserve matters related to landscape and layout shall be accompanied by a Tree Protection Method Statement (TPMS), in general accordance with the recommendations in document Arboricultural Impact Assessment prepared by agb Environmental dated October 2016 (and accompanying tree protection drawings) for consideration and determination by the local planning authority. The TPMS shall additionally provide:


·                    The frequency of periodic inspections of the installed tree protection measured to be undertaken by the Consultant Arboriculturist during the development process.


·                    Confirmation all construction works within identified root protection areas (or areas that may impact on them) must be carried out under the supervision of the Consultant Arboriculturist.


The approval shall be implemented prior to the commencement of any tree works on the site and maintained until the development works are complete, and any associated tree protection works shall be removed as soon as is practicable when no longer required.

Reason: In order to safeguard the trees in the locality. 


21) Tree Protection Site Meeting  (LBH Tree & Nature Conservation)


Prior to any trees works on the applicant site (including tree removal), a Tree Protection Site Meeting shall occur.  The meeting shall be attended by the Site manager, the Consultant Arboriculturist, the Council Arboriculturist and all relevant contractors.  The meeting shall confirm all the protection measures in line with the approved Tree Protection Scheme, and discuss any construction works that may impact on the trees.

Reason: In order to safeguard the trees in the locality. 


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.


22)  Inspection of Tree Protection Measures (LBH Tree & Nature Conservation)


Prior to any works on the application site, the installed tree protection measures as approved in the Tree Protection Scheme must be inspected and approved by the Council’s Arboriculturist. 

Reason: In order to safeguard the trees in the locality. 


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.


23) Ecological Improvement Implantation Plan (LBH Development Management)


Any application for reserve matters related to landscaping and layout shall be accompanied by an Ecological Improvement Implantation Plan for consideration and determination by the local planning authority.  The plan shall proposed ecological measures in broad conformity with the document Ecological Appraisal prepared by abg Environmental dated September 2016 inline with the National Planning Policy Framework requirements for nature conservation. The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved plan(s). 


Reason: to protect ecological amenity.


24) Noise Mitigation – (LBH Development Management)


Any application for the approval of reserve matters related to layout, appearance and scale shall be accompanied by a detailed noise assessment in broad conformity with the document Noise Assessment prepared by Cass Allen Associated dated August 2016, that proposes suitable glazing and ventilation systems to for the approved units ensure the noise impacts to internal habitable rooms are in conformity with BS8233:2014.  The noise assessment shall also propose noise mitigation for rear gardens in conformity with the document. 


Reason: to ensure high quality residential development


25) Secure by Design Details (Metropolitan Police Secure By Design Officer)


Any application for reserve matters shall be accompanied by details of the measures to be incorporated into all the development demonstrating how the principles and practices of the ‘Secured by Design’ scheme have been included.  The applicant shall demonstrate these details have been considered in consultation with the Metropolitan Police Designing Out Crime Officers.

Reason: To create safe and sustainable communities


26)Waste Management Details (LBH Development Management)


Any application for reserve matters relating to layout and landscaping shall provide details for the collection and storage of waste and recycled materials for approval by the local planning authority.  The details shall demonstrate sufficient on site capacity for the storage of both residential waste and recycled materials and provide the details of a cleaning plan in general conformity with Policy DM4. The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approval.

Reason: To protect the amenity of the locality.


27) Feasibility of the Connection to a District Energy Network (LBH Development Management)

Any application for the approval of reserve matters related to layout shall provide a feasibility study showing how the scheme shall connect, or demonstrational justification as to why it cannot connect, to a district energy network serving the local area. The study shall be authored by a suitable qualified person and make reference to viability where required and thereafter shall be implemented in accordance with the approval.


Reason: To mitigate the impacts of climate change to assess a future district energy connection.


28) Feasibility of the provision of a Single Boiler System (LBH Development Management)

Any application for the approval of reserve matters related to layout shall be accompanied by a feasibility study showing the provision of a single boiler facility for the development hereby approved and associated infrastructure, which will serve all heat and hot water loads for all the units on the site communally.  If provision is feasible, the study shall include:


a) location of the possible energy centre;

b) specification of equipment and location within the energy centre;

c) flue arrangement;

d) an operation/management strategy; and

e) the method of how the facility and infrastructure may be designed to allow for the future connection to any neighbouring heating network (including the proposed connectivity location, punch points through structure and route of the pipe link to the highway)


If provision is not feasible this shall be justified. The study shall be authored by a suitable qualified person and make reference to viability where required.

If domestic boilers are proposed, the details shall demonstrate that the boilers to be provided for space heating and domestic hot water shall have dry NOx emissions not exceeding 40 mg/kWh.


Reason: To mitigate the impacts of climate change to assess a future district energy connection.


29) PV Panels Details - Reserve Matters (LBH Development Management)

Any application for the approval of reserve matters related to appearance and layout shall include details of rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels in general conformity with the document “Energy Statement for Monument Way” by XCO2, dated September 2016.  The details shall demonstrate delivery of 40kWp of energy to the development site. 


Reason:  To mitigate the impacts of climate change.


30)Code for Sustainable Homes – Post Construction Certificate (LBH Carbon Management LBH)

At least 6 calendar months following the substantial completion of the development hereby approved, a Post Construction Certificate (or other relevant evidence where required) confirming a rating of Code Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes has been achieved, shall be submitted in writing to and for approval by the Local Planning Authority. The relevant Code Level shall be maintained thereafter. 


Reason: in the interests of energy efficiency and to mitigate the impacts of climate change.


31)Code for Sustainable Homes – Remedial Details or Cost Agreement (LBH Carbon Management)

In the event that the development does not achieve Code Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes 6 calendar months following the substantial completion of the development, AND unless a written offset cost agreement (including the cost of management fees) is secured with the Local Planning Authority, details of remedial works to achieve the relevant Code Level shall be submitted in writing to and for approval by the Local Planning Authority.  The details (if required) shall be submitted 8 calendar months following the substantial completion of the development and the remedial works shall be implemented in accordance with approved details, and maintained thereafter.


Reasons:  To mitigate the impacts of climate change.


32) Dynamic Thermal Modelling Details (LBH Development Management)

Prior to the commencement of the development the results of a CIBSE TM49 Dynamic Thermal Modelling (using London’s Future Weather Pattern and central urban environment) shall be submitted in writing to and for approval by the Local Planning Authority.


 The results shall demonstrate that 1) all unit layouts approved at the reserve matters stage have passed assessment; 2) the development poses a limited risk for overheating; and 3) all appropriate measures have been installed to minimize this risk. The details shall include design measures and explore the feasibility external solar shading and passive ventilation. The development shall be constructed in accordance with approved details and maintained thereafter.


Reason: to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure sustainable development.


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.




33) Land Contamination 1 (LBH Environmental Health)


Before development commences other than for investigative work:

a)         Using information obtained from the Phase1 Desk??Study??Report (CGL June??2016 Revision 1) additional site investigation, sampling and analysis shall be undertaken. The investigation must be comprehensive enough to enable: a risk assessment to be undertaken, refinement of the Conceptual Model, and the development of a Method Statement detailing the remediation requirements.


The risk assessment and refined Conceptual Model shall be submitted, along with the site investigation report, to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing.


b)         If the approved risk assessment and refined Conceptual Model indicate any risk of harm, a Method Statement detailing the remediation requirements, using the information obtained from the site investigation, and also detailing any post remedial monitoring shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to that remediation being carried out on site.


Reason: To ensure the development can be implemented and occupied with adequate regard for environmental and public safety.


34)Land Contamination 2 (LBH Environmental Health)

Where remediation of contamination on the site is required completion of the remediation detailed in the approved method statement shall be carried out and a report that provides verification that the required works have been carried out, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development is occupied.


Reason:  To ensure the development can be implemented and occupied with adequate regard for environmental and public safety.



35) Revised Air Quality Assessment (LBH Environmental Health)

Prior to the commencement of the development, a revised air quality assessment (including an Air Quality Neutral assessment) taking into account the comments in the Air Quality Assessment by XCO2 Energy dated September 2016, shall be submitted in writing to and for approval by the Local Planning Authority.  The revised assessment shall propose a mechanical ventilation system for the development to mitigate air quality impacts.  The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details, and maintained thereafter.


Reason: To mitigate air quality impacts


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.



36) AQMA – Details of Traffic Related Impacts (LBH Development Management)


Any application for the approval of reserve matters related to layout shall provide an assessment of the requirement to provide details of traffic-related impacts in the vicinity of an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).  The assessment shall be in conformity with Environmental Protection UK (EPUK)/ IAQM planning guidance in relation to anticipated construction and/or operational flows of the development hereby approved.

Reason: to protect local air quality


37) Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) (LBH Environmental Health)

Prior to the commencement of the development, an Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP), detailing the management of demolition and construction dust, shall be submitted in writing to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The plan shall be in accordance with the London Plan SPG Dust and Emissions Control and shall also include a Dust Risk Assessment.   The Plan shall be implemented as approved and be maintained for the construction phase of the development.


Reason:  To protect local air quality.


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.


38) Considerate Constructors Scheme (LBH Environmental Health)

Prior to the commencement of the development, the site or Contractor Company shall register with the Considerate Constructors Scheme.  Written Notification of registration shall be sent to the Local Planning Authority and the construction phase of the development shall be in accordance with the Scheme.


Reason: To protect the amenity of the locality. 


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.

39) Plant and Machinery – EU Directive (LBH Environmental Health)


All plant and machinery to be used during the demolition and construction phases of the development shall meet Stage IIIA of EU Directive 97/68/ EC for both NOx and PM.


Reason: To protect local air quality 


40) NRMM – Registration and Notification to LPA (LBH Environmental Health)


Prior to the commencement of the development, all Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) and plant to be used on the site of net power between 37kW and 560 kW shall be been registered at The Local Planning shall be notified in writing of registration.


Reason: To protect local air quality


The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the pre-commencement requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the development permitted that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission.



41) Inventory of NRMM during Development

An inventory of all NRMM shall be kept on the development site during the course of the demolitions, site preparation and construction phases.  All machinery shall be regularly serviced and service logs kept on site for inspection which detail proof of emission limits for all equipment.  This documentation shall be made available to local authority officers as required until development completion.


Reason: To protect local air quality


42) Revised Daylight/Sunlight Assessment (LBH Development Management)

Any application for the approval of reserve matters related to layout and scale shall be accompanied by a revised daylight/light assessment.  The assessment methodology shall be BRE complaint and address the any updated layout matters from the outline application stage.


Reason: to protect the amenity of adjoining occupiers.





43)Details of Central Dish/Receiving System (LBH Development Management)


Any application for reserve matters related to appearance shall provide details of a Central Satellite Dish/Receiving System for the residential units. The system shall minimise the appearance of any antenna proposed to be affixed to the buildings and have regard to the visual amenity of adjoining occupiers

            Reason: to protect the amenity of the locality.


44)  Individual Satellite Dishes or Television Antennas Precluded (LBH Development Management)


The placement of any satellite dish or television antenna on any external surface of the development is precluded, excepting the approved central dish/receiving system approved pursuant to the “Central Dish/Receiving System” condition above.


Reason: to protect the amenity of the locality.    



1)             Working With the Applicant (LBH Development Managment)


INFORMATIVE: In dealing with this application, Haringey Council has implemented the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as ameded) to foster the delivery of sustainable development in a positive and proactive manner.


2)    Hours of Construction Work (LBH Development Managment)

INFORMATIVE: The applicant is advised that under the Control of Pollution Act 1974, construction work which will be audible at the site boundary will be restricted to the following hours:-

- 8.00am - 6.00pm    Monday to Friday

- 8.00am - 1.00pm    Saturday

- and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.


3)    Party Wall Act (LBH Development Managment)

INFORMATIVE: The applicant's attention is drawn to the Party Wall Act 1996 which sets out requirements for notice to be given to relevant adjoining owners of intended works on a shared wall, on a boundary or if excavations are to be carried out near a neighbouring building.


4)    Designing Out Crime – Certified Products (Metropolitan Police)


INFORMATIVE: In meeting the requirements of Approved Document Q pursuant to the building regulations, the applicant may wish to seek the advice of the Police Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs) concerning certified products. The services of the Police DOCOs are available free of charge and can be contacted via or 0208 217 3813.


5)     Public Sewer Crossing – Approval required for building, extension or underpinning within 3 metres. (Thames Water)


INFORMATIVE: There are public sewers crossing or close to your development. In order to protect public sewers and to ensure that Thames Water can gain access to those sewers for future repair and maintenance, approval should be sought from Thames Water where the erection of a building or an extension to a building or underpinning work would be over the line of, or would come within 3 metres of, a public sewer. Thames Water will usually refuse such approval in respect of the construction of new buildings, but approval may be granted for extensions to existing buildings. The applicant is advised to visit


6)     Attenuation of Storm Flows. Combined Sewer drain to nearest manhole.  Connection for removal of ground water precluded.  Approval required for discharge to public sewer.  (Thames Water)


INFORMATIVE: In respect of surface water it is recommended that the applicant should ensure that storm flows are attenuated or regulated into the receiving public network through on or off site storage. When it is proposed to connect to a combined public sewer, the site drainage should be separate and combined at the final manhole nearest the boundary. Connections are not permitted for the removal of groundwater. Where the developer proposes to discharge to a public sewer, prior approval from Thames Water Developer Services will be required. They can be contacted on 0800 009 3921.


7)     Minimum Pressure and Flow Rate from Pipes (Thames Water)


INFORMATIVE: Thames Water will aim to provide customers with a minimum pressure of 10m head (approx 1 bar) and a flow rate of 9 litres/minute at the point where it leaves Thames Waters pipes.  The developer should take account of this minimum pressure in the design of the proposed development.



8)     Water Main Crossing Diversion (Thames Water)


INFORMATIVE: There is a Thames Water main crossing the development site which may/will need to be diverted at the Developer's cost, or necessitate amendments to the proposed development design so that the aforementioned main can be retained. Unrestricted access must be available at all times for maintenance and repair. Please contact Thames Water Developer Services, Contact Centre on Telephone No: 0800 009 3921 for further information.


9)     Large Water Main (Thames Water) 

INFORMATIVE Thames Water There are large water mains adjacent to the proposed development. Thames Water will not allow any building within 5 metres of them and will require 24 hours access for maintenance purposes. Please contact Thames Water Developer Services, Contact Centre on Telephone No: 0800 009 3921 for further information.


10) Sprinkler Installation (London Fire Brigade)


INFORMATIVE:  This authority strongly recommends that sprinklers are considered for new development and major alterations to existing premises particularly where the proposals relate to schools and care homes. Sprinklers systems installed in buildings can significantly reduce the damage caused by fire and the consequential costs to businesses and housing providers, and can reduce the risk to like.  The Brigade opinion is that there are opportunities for developers and building owners to install sprinklers systems in order to save money save property and protect the lives of the occupier.  Please note that it is our policy to regularly advise our elected members about this issue. 


11)Asbestos Survey (LBH Environmental Health)

INFORMATIVE: Prior to demolition of existing buildings, an asbestos survey should be carried out to identify the location and type of asbestos containing materials.  Any asbestos containing materials must be removed and disposed of in accordance with the correct procedure prior to any demolition or construction works carried out.


12)Naming of New Development (LBH Transportation)

INFORMATIVE: The new development will require naming. The applicant should contact the Local Land Charges at least six weeks before the development is occupied (tel. 020 8489 5573) to arrange for the allocation of a suitable address.


Supporting documents: