Agenda item

Planning Services 2016/17 update

To receive a report on the work of the Planning Service in the financial year 2016/17 to date.



The Committee considered the report on the Planning Services 2016/17 update, as circulated in advance of the meeting, the supplementary information circulated as a second despatch relating to the data for Building Control, and the proposed Building Control and Development Management fees and charges for 2017/18.


In response to a question from the Committee regarding the number of planning decisions made by the Planning Committee in 2016/17 and how this compared with other years, the AD Planning advised that this represented an increase on previous years. It was reported that the decision in relation to Hale Wharf had been called in by the Mayor of London, and an update on this would be circulated to the Committee outside the meeting. (Action: EW)


Following a request from the Committee in relation to Member training, it was agreed that Corporate Management Plan training would be incorporated into the new training programme. Members were encouraged to advise the AD Planning of any additional topics they wished to cover as part of the Members’ training programme.


With regard to the proposed schedule of fees and charges for development management, the Committee noted that the proposed fee for householder applications should read £250.00 for 2017/18 and not £154.28 as set out in the schedule. It was further noted that fees for pre-application advice on Commercial applications were proposed to be doubled for 2017/18, in order that this service would no longer operate at a loss. The Committee also noted that the proposed increases in Quality Review Panel fees were in line with Camden, and that there was a new fee proposed for Surgery Reviews.


Having previously expressed concern regarding the succession planning in Building Control, the Committee emphasised the importance of the proposed restructure in this service area being implemented at the earliest opportunity in order to safeguard the value and strong reputation of this service.


It was agreed that the AD Planning would provide Cllr Bevan with an update on 24 Baronet Road, and Cllr Brabazon with an update on 3 Clifton Gardens.  (Action: EW).


The Committee asked whether the list of prosecutions set out at paragraph 5.12 of the report was a list of all prosecutions, and it was agreed that the AD Planning would confirm whether this was the complete list. It was agreed that successful prosecutions should be promoted by the Council in order to act as a deterrent to others, and the Committee further suggested that the Council should offer training for magistrates on issues relating to non-criminal cases such as enforcement, planning and licensing. (Action: EW)


The Committee congratulated staff in the Planning Service for the performance as set out in the report, and welcomed the reported reduction in backlog, the timescales for dealing with applications and the caseload for officers. It was noted that a new Head of Development Management was due to start in post on 1 April 2017.




i)             That the Committee note the content of the report.


ii)            That the Committee approve the proposed Building Control and development Management fees for 2017-18, as set out in the schedule circulated, with the correction of the Householder fee to £250 (plus VAT).





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