Agenda item

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Update

To review and comment on the proposed update of the CIL rate and governance procedure for its spend.


The Committee considered the report on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Update, as circulated in advance of the meeting. Matthew Patterson, Head of Strategic Planning and Policy, gave a presentation on the CIL review, setting out the current collection rates, background to the review and findings in terms of CIL rates, governance for distribution of CIL, the Regulation 123 list and proposed changes to the list, monitoring arrangements, the review of the s106 SPD and draft Charging Schedule and the timetable.


The following points were raised by the Committee during questioning and discussion of the report:


·         The Committee asked why there was no proposed increase in CIL rates for the North Tottenham area, given the development of the new stadium in this area. Officers advised that it was not permitted to anticipate an uplift in values, and that at present no uplift in values in this area had been observed. There was therefore no basis on which to propose an increase to CIL rates in North Tottenham.

·         In response to a question from the Committee it was confirmed that CIL was payable in full on commencement of development, with CIL on exceptionally large developments payable in instalments as set out by the Mayor of London. It was noted that developers were under a legal obligation to pay CIL at that point, and that fines could be issued where they did not comply.

·         The Committee asked how decisions on the distribution of CIL was determined, and it was reported that it was proposed that this would follow the same process as the Capital Programme. The Committee felt that there should be a mechanism by which non-Cabinet Members were able to make suggestions regarding the distribution of CIL, and it was agreed that this was a comment that the Regulatory Committee would put forward to Cabinet.

·         Cllr Mallett advised that as Cycling Champion, she would be able to put the Council in contact with local cycling groups as part of any consultation seeking suggestions for areas that would benefit from CIL funding.

·         The Committee asked about the process for developing a Neighbourhood Plan and for an update on the current progress of the Crouch End Neighbourhood Plan. Officers advised that the first step was to get approval as a Neighbourhood Forum, after which point work could commence on developing a Neighbourhood Plan. It was reported that the Highgate Neighbourhood Plan was currently at the examination in public stage, and that this would then need to go to the respective Cabinets of both Haringey and Camden, and would finally go to a local referendum. Crouch End had been approved as a Neighbourhood Forum last year, and were now in the early stages of drawing up their Neighbourhood Plan. Officers advised that they were aware of the proposals for a Finsbury Park Neighbourhood Forum, and were awaiting an application in this respect. It was noted that a significant challenge was ensuring that the groups taking these projects forward were representative of the local community.

·         The Committee noted that CIL funding was restricted to infrastructure projects related to growth.




i)             That the Regulatory Committee note the proposal to update the CIL rate in Seven Sisters, St Ann’s, West Green, Bruce Grove, Tottenham Green and Tottenham Hale wards,


ii)            That the Regulatory Committee note the updated Regulation 123 list which sets out what infrastructure the Council expects to spend CIL on.


iii)           That the Regulatory Committee note the proposals for Governance of CIL spend through the Capital Board.


iv)           That the Regulatory Committee recommend to Cabinet that this document is approved for Consultation, and comment that a process should be developed to enable non-Cabinet Members of the Council to contribute suggestions for the distribution of CIL.

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