Agenda item

Scrutiny of the Draft 5 year Medium Term Financial Strategy - Priority X

To consider and comment on the Council’s draft 5 year (2017/2018 to 2021/2022) Medium Term Financial Strategy proposals relating to Priority X only.


Councillor Connor in the Chair.


Councillor Connor took the Committee through each of the proposals and asked for comments from the Committee and clarification from officers.  NOTED:


-           Legal Services – reduction in staffing and other related expenditure

The savings reduction was predicated on a reduction in demand on Legal Services as a whole.  The expectation was that as demand for childrens and adult services fell, so would the demand for legal services.


The Committee noted the proposal, and that it was contingent on a reduction in demand, meaning it perhaps should be rated as ‘amber’ rather than ‘green’.


-           Audit and Risk Management – reduction in cost on the external audit contract

This proposal was based on the changing risk profile of the Council.


The Committee noted the proposal, and agreed that a note be provided for the Corporate Committee to seek its views on this reduction.


-           Democratic Services – reduction in staffing

There would be a reduction in support to internal areas of the Council to ensure that the Committees would still be supported.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Shared Service Centre Business Support – reduction in staffing

There would be little or no impact on customers with this reduction, as this related to back-office staff and included more efficient practices.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Shared Service Centre – new delivery model for shared services

The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Reduce opening hours in our six branch libraries to 36 hours per week

Following an outline by Councillor Vanier, the Committee noted that the Unions had been briefed on the proposals, and detailed consultation would be carried out with Unions and staff, along with the ‘Friends’ groups of the libraries, on the best use of hours for each branch if this proposal went ahead.  There would be no lone working. 

The Committee referred to the deputation made earlier in the meeting and agreed on the importance of libraries to the local community.


The Committee agreed to recommend that Cabinet did not agree to this proposal.


-           Shared Service Offer for Customer Services

It was not possible to say what the impact would be to customers and residents until a detailed options appraisal had been carried out.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Senior Management Saving

Further information on this saving would shortly be provided in a report to the Council’s Staffing and Remuneration Committee from the Chief Executive, but it would mean the deletion of one senior post at least.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Alexandra House – Decant

The proposal was to continue to vacate underused floors at Alexandra House and utilise underused space at River Park House, following a significant increase in rent at Alexandra House.  There would be minimal impact to staff as the Council operated a clear desk / hot desk policy.  In relation to accessibility requirements, Managers would be aware of their staff requirements and adjustments would be made where required.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Translation and Interpreting Service

There would be no impact on residents, as the service would still be provided by the new contract.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Closure of internal print room

The demand from Legal services on the print room would be reduced, as the service moved to scanning documents rather than printing.  Proposals for providing Committee papers using software were currently being explored.


The Committee noted the report.


-           Communications – reduction in staffing

There would be no reduction in service by not filling a vacant post, given changes in the ways of working.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Income generation – advertising and sponsorship

The figure given for income generation was net of the cost of the employee and the income generated could increase in the future.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Professional Development Centre

This was subject to a business case on a number of issues, and a full proposal would be provided to Cabinet for decision.


The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Insurance

The Committee noted the proposal.


-           Voluntary Severance Savings

The Committee noted the proposal.


RESOLVED that the report and proposals be noted, and that it be recommended to Cabinet that the proposal to reduce staffing at Haringey branch libraries be rejected.

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