Agenda item

An Investment Framework for Wood Green

(Report of the Director of Regeneration, Planning and Development. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration). The report seeks approval of the aims, objectives, core principles and methodology for the Investment Framework for Wood Green.




Cabinet considered a report, introduced by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, which sought approval of the aims, objectives, core principles and methodology for the Investment Framework for Wood Green.


In introducing the report the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, Councillor Strickland, noted the under performance of Wood Green Town Centre had been an issue of concern for several years and that studies and public consultation had shown that residents felt that the retail offer was poor and that the environment was unsafe and unattractive. He noted that at present the connectivity between Wood Green Town Centre and Haringey Heartlands and Alexandra Palace was poor and that spatial and economic plan would be drawn up to improve this. 


The introduction of an investment framework for the area would bring together a coordinated approach to the regeneration that would include consideration as to how the Council as a major land owner in the area would approach it’s own accommodation plan and the use of its strategic assets.


In response to a question as to how the cultural offer in Wood Green would be developed Councillor Strickland noted that there was an existing cultural hub at the Chocolate Factory and that they had their own development plan that was being taken forward. More broadly he noted that investment in activity was required in addition to investment in physical improvements and that a creative approach would need to be adopted to address this.


There was a general consensus that ensuring that the necessary infrastructure in terms of schools and healthcare was in place was essential and that the development of these facilities had to be considered as part of the regeneration plans. It was noted that for existing residents and for people considering moving into the area the adequate provision of these services was crucial. 




  1. That the aims, objectives, core principles and methodology for the Investment Framework for Wood Green be approved; and


  1. That the funding position be noted and that it be noted that Cabinet supported the process for securing external funding.


Alternative options considered

If the Council decides not to intervene in Wood Green and Haringey Heartlands, the most likely outcome is piecemeal and sub-optimal development, and an increased risk of continued town centre decline, with anchor retailers choosing to relocate and loss of Metropolitan Centre status.


If a unilateral masterplan approach or a unilateral town centre strategy approach is adopted, this carries the risk of a lack of a comprehensive and co-ordinated strategy, and significantly reduces the ability to maximise the potential of development and inward investment from both the public and the private sector.


Reasons for decision

By developing an Investment Framework for Wood Green, based on a specification developed in partnership with local stakeholders, Haringey Council will play a leadership role in defining and driving the future growth and success of Wood Green in terms of housing, economy and supporting infrastructure.  Critically, the Framework will also be the basis for new planning policy for Wood Green, and for decisions about the Council’s own property portfolio, both of which will be central to realising the vision for the area and – in the latter case – securing a sustainable long-term accommodation strategy for the Council. 


Supporting documents: