Agenda item

Fashion Enter- Fashion Technical Academy

(Report of the Director of Regeneration, Planning and Development. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Sustainability). The report seeks endorsement of project proposals and approval of the balance of funding required to be allocated to the project from Council reserves.



Cabinet considered a report, introduced by the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Carbon Reduction, which sought endorsement of project proposals and approval of the balance of funding required to be allocated to the project from Council reserves.


The Cabinet Member invited Jenny Holloway of the Fashion Technical Academy (FTA) to provide an overview of the FTA’s work. Ms Holloway noted that the FTA provided training for anyone aged 16 plus that ranged from NVQ Level 1 to NVQ Level 4 in the technical production of garments. This concentration on the development of technical skills in garment production was unique in the UK and provided an excellent basis for training in the textile industry. Ms Holloway noted that although the majority of students were aged between sixteen and nineteen there was a significant proportion of people aged fifty plus who wanted to develop new skills and this group were also in training. The FTA worked closely with Job Centre Plus and the local sixth form and further education colleague to attract students.


The Leader thanked Ms Holloway for attending and noted that the presence of the FTA in Tottenham demonstrated the Council’s role in helping to enable people to equip themselves with the skills they needed to find employment.




  1. That the project proposal as detailed be endorsed and approval be given to take a five year lease on Unit 13 at the Crusader Estate;


  1. That approval be given to carry out improvements under landlord’s responsibilities to achieve statutory compliance at the costs highlighted in paragraph 5.19 of the report;


  1. That approval be given to sub-let unit 13 to Fashion Enter for a period of 5 years to run the Fashion Technology Academy at a tapering subsidised rent as highlighted in paragraph 5.20 of the report and;


  1. That  approval be given to the balance of funding required of £539,864 to be allocated to the project be found from council reserves.


Alternative options considered

As the Fashion Technical Academy will benefit London’s wider economy, and provide opportunities to people from outside Haringey, there is a case for sharing the cost of public subsidy with other authorities or agencies.  However, given the particular benefits to Haringey of consolidating the fashion cluster in this area, plus the lack of alternative options which could deliver funding in the immediate term, it is on balance considered appropriate that Haringey Council should consider meeting the full public subsidy requirement at this stage in the Academy’s development. In the longer term, the Council will actively work with Fashion Enter to identify and exploit other sources of external support which could reduce the burden on Haringey, and to develop a long-term business plan that will allow Academy to become as self-sufficient as possible. 


There are no other options which would achieve the same outcomes; the only other option is for the Council not to support the development of the Fashion Technical Academy at all, or to reduce its funding contribution (which would effectively have the same result).  However, the Council’s emerging strategy for economic growth (and the evidence on which it is based) is clear that many residents in the borough - and particularly in Tottenham - suffer from multiple barriers to employment and low rates of attainment, and that investment and intervention by the Council (beyond existing statutory provision) is necessary and appropriate to address this issue.  And while the Council has not formally adopted an up-to-date economic development strategy, this project and the outcomes it delivers are consistent with the Council’s emerging policy and priorities in this area.


Reasons for decision

By supporting the Fashion Technical Academy the Council will be contributing towards Outcome 3 of the Corporate Plan by providing skills and training opportunities.



Supporting documents: