Agenda item

High Road West Regeneration Scheme Consultation

(Report of the Director of Regeneration, Planning and Development. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing). The report details the progress made in relation to the High Road West Regeneration Scheme and sets out the consultation and engagement approach for the next stages of the Scheme.


Cabinet considered a report, introduced by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, which detailed the progress made in relation to the High Road West Regeneration Scheme and that also set out the consultation and engagement approach for the next stages of the Scheme.




  1. That approval be given to delegated authority being given to the Director of Regeneration, Planning and Development and Chief Operating Officer, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, to agree the High Road West master plan for final consultation with the community in September 2014. Following this consultation there would be a report back for further consideration by Cabinet;


  1. That the principles and approach to engagement set out in the High Road West Consultation and Engagement Strategy be noted;


  1. That approval be given for officers to undertake statutory Section 105 Housing Act 1985 consultation with Council tenants on the Love Lane Estate once the master plan and Section 105 documentation have been agreed by the Director of Regeneration, Planning and Development and Chief Operating Officer, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration. The results of the Section 105 consultation will be brought back to Cabinet to consider with the High Road West master plan and;


  1. That the details of the Love Lane Residents Charter be noted and that approval be given to officers to work closely with the Residents Association to further develop the principles. The Resident Charter will then be brought back to Cabinet for agreement at a later date.


Alternative options considered

A detailed consultation and engagement strategy is required for the High Road WestScheme to ensure that the Council can meet its commitment to involve the local community in the development of the master plan and the future planning of their area.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, the Director of Regeneration, Planning and Development and the Chief Operating Officer must approve the master plan for consultation. This allows the master plan to be further developed in June and July with the community and consulted on in September 2014. If the master plan is agreed for consultation at the next Cabinet meeting (scheduled for 16 September 2014) there will be a delay (at least three months) in the development of the master plan.


In addition to wider consultation with the community, approval to undertake statutory Section 105 consultation with Love Lane secure tenants is required to ensure the Council meets its statutory consultation duty. Under Section 105 of the Housing Act 1985, the Council has a statutory duty to undertake consultation with secure council tenants on any housing management proposals management (this includes management, maintenance, improvement or demolition of dwelling houses) that affect their tenancy. As the next iteration of the plan for High Road West will include the demolition and replacement of all properties on the Love Lane Estate, the consultation on the master plan will need to include statutory Section 105 consultation for secure tenants living on the Love Lane Estate.


Approval for Officers to continue to work closely with the Residents Association to further develop the principles of the Resident Charter is required to ensure the Council meets its commitment to involve the local communities in the development of the master plan and the future of their area.


Reasons for decision

To deliver comprehensive regeneration across the High Road West area and maximise the number of homes, jobs and benefits for local people and to make best use of existing Council homes and assets.


The proposals will maximise the provision of a range of housing tenures across the borough and contribute to the creation of mixed and balanced communities and also ensure that the local community are fully involved in the development of the master plan and the future plans for their area.


Supporting documents: