Agenda item

Options for the Future Use of Larkspur Close

(Report of the Director of Housing and Adult Services – To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Housing): To consider options for the future use of Larkspur Close.




Cabinet considered a report that set out options for the future use of Larkspur Close.


It was noted that Cabinet had previously agreed that four sheltered housing schemes (Campbell Court, Protheroe House, Stokley Court and Larkspur Close) would be reviewed in order to ensure that they were fit for purpose and able to provide the most effective service.


Work to the other sheltered housing schemes had been completed with Campbell Court being retained as a sheltered housing scheme; Stokley Court being re designated as a Community Good Neighbour Scheme; and subject to consultation and the redevelopment of the site being financially viable, Protheroe House being closed and redeveloped as an Extra Care Scheme.


It was requested that further information was supplied to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Carbon Reduction with regard to the capital implications of the project.  




  1. That the following be noted:


  1. Although the sheltered housing scheme in Larkspur Close compares very poorly with modern standards of housing for older people and cannot be brought up to an appropriate standard, there is a strong community spirit at Larkspur Close and it is valued by its residents;


  1. The high level of investment that would be required in Larkspur Close if it is retained as a sheltered housing scheme or re-designated as a Community Good Neighbour Scheme;


  1. The interest that Hornsey Housing Trust had expressed in acquiring Larkspur Close, continuing to operate it as a sheltered housing scheme, and investing in the improvements required to bring the homes up to the Decent Homes standard;


  1. The outcome of the Equalities Impact Assessment that has been carried out to assess the impact of re-designating Larkspur Close as a Community Good Neighbour Scheme and moving some of the residents to alternative sheltered housing schemes;


ii.  That the following agreed:


a)     That the merits and viability of Hornsey Housing Trust’s proposal should be evaluated by Officers and that, if the Director of Adult and Housing Services (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing) is satisfied that it is in the Council’s interests to dispose of Larkspur Close in this way, expressions of interest are sought from registered providers that wish to acquire Larkspur Close and continue to operate it as a sheltered housing scheme;


b)     That, subject to formal consultation with the tenants of Larkspur Close on the future of their homes (and there being no registered provider that is able to put forward a viable and acceptable proposal for continuing to operate Larkspur Close as a sheltered housing scheme), Larkspur Close will be re-designated as a Community Good Neighbour Scheme;


c)      That, with immediate effect and until further notice, properties that become vacant at Larkspur Close will be re-let only to those applicants on the Supported Housing Register who have been assessed as requiring accommodation in a Community Good Neighbour Scheme; and


d)     That, on completion of the formal consultation with tenants and the assessment of proposals from Hornsey Housing Trust and/or other registered providers, Cabinet will receive a further report and confirm the date on which Larkspur Close will be either re-designated as a Community Good Neighbour Scheme or transferred to a registered provider that is able to continue operating it as sheltered housing; and


e)     That, until a decision is made on its future ownership, Larkspur Close should be excluded from the Decent Homes programme.


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