Agenda item

Area Committee Plan

A discussion about priorities for the area over the year to enable a plan to be drafted



The Chair referred to the proposed Area Plans and her concerns that one area plan for this Committee was too restrictive given that there were four wards in this particular Committee.  The idea of ‘one plan fits all’ needed to be addressed and whether there should indeed be two Area Plans for the Muswell Hill, Alexandra, Fortis Green, and Highgate Area Committee. It was noted that the Veolia contract for this Committee’s geographical area was divided into two ‘Village’ areas because of its sheer size. There needed to be variations because Highgate Ward in particular has issues that are different. The Chair also stressed that there was little need for new statistical information relating to the Ward areas to be collected as this information was provided to all Councillors when elected and therefore it was not necessary to replicate it.


The Chair commented that the main areas of profile that the Committee wanted emphasis on within the plan would be:


·        That the plan should concentrate on those in the area who were most needy and the least articulate

·        That the consultation on what the plan should contain should be an exercise from ‘the bottom up’ and not ‘top down’ and officers should consult local councillors to ascertain the matters of most concern through their casework – this would give a good outline of matters of common concern

·        That housing was an issue and Homes for Haringey needed to have some input.

·        Concern was raised about the condition of some housing in multiple occupation and hostels and the impact on the occupants

·        There needs to be consultation with local resident associations and pressure groups

·        That the Police required an input in terms of issues of concern to them in relation to safer neighbourhood matters as well as national initiatives and  concerns 


The Chair asked if there were any comments from the Committee


Councillor Williams sought clarification as regards to the timetable for the formation of the plan, and commented that in his view the Area Plan should form the main item of business at the next meeting of the Area committee in September. Councillor Williams stressed that all Committee members needed to feed into the plan as part of the overall process and that this was the first step in the consultation process and would aid officers in formulating the plan for consideration in September. The Chair added that the Committee area had very large and wide-spread volunteering communities and that such a resource needed to be tapped to feed in to the process.


Councillor Solomon commented that in terms of the proposed ‘village’ plan in her view it was vital to have a view of what this area was about and this should be in the form of a vision for the area, and that this was a wonderful opportunity for the Committee to embark upon.


Councillor Hare commented that the area plan did require some synergy in planning terms with Local Area Framework with the vision having some planning element within it as well.


Councillor Newton commented that some residents, particularly the elderly or vulnerable in the area could be asset rich and income poor and the plan needed to be reflective of this.


The Frontline Services representative – Ms Kowalska advised that the formation of the Area Plan was a developmental process and that the process of consultation would be phased.  Ms Kowalska, in acknowledging the importance of a ‘vision’ for the area commented that there would need to be discussions as to the practicalities of having the plan including a vision particularly in terms of meeting the expectations of a vision. There was a process of consultation planned with all stakeholders in the locale of the Area Committee.  The Police Safer Neighbourhood Team would be closely liaised with for their input.  Ms Kowalska commented further that the plan/profile of the area would always, when published be a snapshot of the area and that there would be a continual evolution and development of the plan as time progressed.


Councillor Williams reiterated the Chair’s earlier concerns in relation to the Highgate area given the different issues affecting the area, in particular transport and traffic related issues.


Ms Kowalska responded that the Committee Areas would have likely points of common concern/priority and also some differences and that by tapping into the good local networks particular issues relating to individual areas would no doubt emerge. Ms Kowalska stressed that the plan should not as such be localised to individual priorities for a particular area but concentrate on particular themes per area/ward.  By commencing the initial consultation with ward Councillors and main stakeholders between now and September an outline plan would begin to emerge which would form the basis of discussion and formation at the September Committee.


The Chair then summarised and it was:




i.               That the comments of the Committee in relation to formation of the Area Plan be noted together with the process for consultation commencing in order to receive an outline plan at the meeting of the Committee in September 2011, and the need for input from all Ward Councillors  and liaison with the frontline service to ensure such input;

ii.             That the Chair review the outline plan prior to presentation to the Committee in September 2011 to make any necessary alterations or changes deemed to be necessary.




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