Agenda item



a.         75 Years of television


John Thompson of the Alexandra Palace Television Group reported on the work undertaken by the Group in conjunction with others to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the world’s first broadcast TV service from AP on Wednesday 2 November 1936. The Group’s intention had been for a public event on that day and he regretted that for operational reasons APTL had been unable to accommodate this


The Managing Director APTL stated that the event might be better held on the weekend of 5th / 6th November and highlighted that they were collaborating with the BBC re content plus there would be lots of media coverage via the BBC about the event.


Jacob O’Callaghan commented on the importance of marking this historic event, mentioned the recent BBC TV programme ‘The Hour’, which related to the early days of AP and suggested a meeting between John Thompson, Rebecca Kane, Andrew Gill and himself to ensure the event is successful.


The Committee congratulated and thanked John Thompson and Officers for their work on this.


AGREED that the item be included on the agenda for the next Board meeting on 18th October and that the Managing Director APTL, the Interim General Manager – Alexandra Palace, Councillor Bob Hare and the Chair of the Board work together to organise the event with the assistance of other committee members as appropriate.


b.         Haringey Heartlands Planning Application


Clerk’s note: The members of the Committee who were members of the LB Haringey Planning Sub-Committee abstained from the discussion on the Haringey Heartlands Planning Application.


The Chair highlighted that the Haringey Heartlands Planning Application would be considered by the Council’s Planning Sub-Committee on 22nd September 2011 and that no formal objection had been submitted by the Board.


AGREED:  That the Statutory Advisory Committee be asked to make a submission to the Council’s Planning Department including the Committee’s ground for objection that the development would spoil and blight the views from the Park, which has Conservation Area and Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) status, and that there were Council policies in place to protect these views.



c.         Dog Waste Bins


A Committee member highlighted disappointment that the current dog waste bins were being removed (due to coming to the end of usable life) and would not be replaced. It was explained that dog waste was no longer classed as “clinical waste” and can be placed in ordinary litter bins and this would save maintenance costs. 


AGREED that the Committee lamented the loss of the dog waste bins and encouraged their replacement and that the Board be recommended to reconsider replacing the dog bins or increasing the size of general bins.


d.         Car Parking Charges


The Committee noted that there would be an update at the next Board meeting on 18th October 2011 on the communication plan being worked on by a project team in relation to potential charging for car parking at Alexandra Palace.


e.         Monthly Stakeholder Forums


The Committee noted that informal and regular monthly Alexandra Palace and Park stakeholder forums will be held at the Palace commencing on Thursday 22nd September 2011 between 7pm and 8pm, and held on the third Thursday of each month thereafter. The aim was to have an informal opportunity to engage with residents and stakeholders, to keep people informed re regeneration activity and current site activity. There would always be a Q&A section to the meeting.   


f.          Silent Movie Night


The Committee noted the forthcoming Silent Movie night on Thursday 15th September 2011.


g.         Thanks to Interim General Manager


The Committee expressed thanks to Andrew Gill, Interim General Manager, Alexandra Palace, who would be leaving his post in October.