Agenda item

Homelessness Strategy


The Board received a report that provided an update on the work that had been carried out to develop the Haringey Homelessness Strategy 2008/11.


It was noted that a multi agency Steering Group was meeting on a fortnightly basis to inform the homelessness review and the development of the Strategy. The implementation of the Strategy and delivery of the actions set out in the SMART action plan would be overseen by the Homelessness Strategy Implementation Group, which would on a quarterly basis.


The Board was advised that a review of Homeless and the existing polices in place had been undertaken and this would form the evidence base for the Strategy. As part of this staff and customer focus groups had been established and partners had been consulted via a Stakeholders event.


One of the key issues arising from the review was that there was a lack of coordination across the sector. The Board was advised that Partners had a fundamental role to play in delivering the Strategy and that the Integrated Housing Board would be at the centre of this. It was proposed that ‘Champions’ should be identified to Chair themed delivery groups and it was anticipated that these would be appointed from partner organisations. This would encourage engagement and improve coordination across the sector.


It noted that the Strategy was being worked on by the Council’s policy team and the feedback from the review was being fed into this.


The draft Strategy would be considered by the Council’s Cabinet on 15 July and published on 31 July. It was proposed that the Cabinet Member for Housing should be given delegated to sign off the Strategy.


A copy of the draft Strategy was tabled and circulated to the Board.


In response to a query in relation to the Council’s Lettings Policy the Board was advised that this was currently being re-drafted in order to make best use of existing housing stock. There would also be a shift in emphasis to deter people from presenting as homeless in order to be re housed quickly.


It was noted that measures were proposed to reduce the number of young people leaving home and seeking Local Authority housing. These included awareness raising sessions being held at local schools aimed at fourteen to sixteen year olds and would provide practical information on the costs and responsibilities attached to living independently.


In response to concerns that there was not sufficient reference made to the Private Sector the Board was advised that a separate Private Sector Lettings Policy would be compiled.


The Board discussed the new Area Based Grant (ABG) and the possibility that funding currently allocated to the Supporting People scheme would be added to the ABG during the next financial year. It was noted that there was no indication that this would be ring fenced and therefore schemes currently funded were at risk. At present the Accommodation Strategy drew on resources allocated to the Supporting People scheme.


The Assistant Director reminded the Board that there had been discussion around this issue at the recent LAA workshop. During this discussion it had also been recognised that Partners from the Community and Voluntary sector had a significant role to play in supporting vulnerable adults moving into their own property.


In addition to the points raised above it was also noted that the Strategy needed to address issues such as Worklessness and regeneration and set out how it could contribute towards the achievement of targets in these areas.


The Board was advised that any comments or suggestions in relation to the Strategy should be fed back to Ben Rogers, Policy Manager or the Assistant Director of Strategic and Community Housing.


The Chair requested that a report was complied setting out options around the possibility of ring fencing funding currently available under the Supporting People scheme that would be used to support the objectives of the Homelessness Strategy.




That the report and presentation be noted.


That a report setting out options for ring fencing funding, currently allocated under the Supporting People scheme, to support the Homelessness Strategy should be provided at the Boards next meeting.








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