Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Thursday, 19th November, 2009 11.00 am

Contact: Xanthe Barker 

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from the following:


  • Niall Bolger
  • Sam Evans
  • Jennifer James
  • Peter Lewis
  • Mohamed Maig
  • Robin Payne
  • James Slater


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any items of Urgent Business. (Late of items of Urgent Business will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items of Urgent Business will be considered under Item x below).


No items of Urgent Business were received.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board should declare any personal and or prejudicial interests with respect to agenda items and should not take part in any decision required with respect to those items.


No Declarations of Interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September as a correct record and to discuss any matter arsing from the minutes.


Half Year Performance and Exception Report pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report that detailed performance from April to September 2009 against Local Area Agreement (LAA) targets within the Board’s responsibility.


It was noted that there was a lag of four months with respect to information with relating to NI 40 (numbers of people entering effective drug treatment). Analysis of current data showed that more people were entering treatment and this was partly due to an increased focus on publicising treatment, including a articles in the local press to increase awareness of services.


The Board was reminded there was reward funding attached to meeting Stretch Targets relating to drug and alcohol treatment. As reductions to the Pooled Treatment budget came into effect obtaining reward funding would be become increasingly important.


New work was being carried out with Accident and Emergency Teams to identify ways that staff could help address issues with a number of hard core drinkers in the Borough.


In response to a query the Board was advised that the Youth Offending Service (YOS) had extensive monitoring arrangements in place to measure the impact that interventions had upon the rate of re-offending. The YOS had a triage system whereby fifty-seven young people, who were classed as being at a high risk of re-offending, were worked with closely and to date only three of this group had re-offended.


Partners expressed thanks to Enid Ledgister with respect to the work that she had carried out ??




That the report be noted.






Findings and Recommendations form the Annual Strategic Needs Assessment

This report will be sent to follow.


The Board received a report and presentation setting out the key findings of the latest Strategic Needs Assessment.


Following the presentation it was noted that the Assessment demonstrated the strong correlation between health and crime issues. It was suggested that a joint piece of work should be undertaken to assess how this could be addressed by the Council, Police and NHS Haringey and that this should be draw on the model used in Glasgow.


It was noted that the Borough Commander of Glasgow had visited Haringey to observe good practice and that this had informed the model established there.


It was requested that copies of the presentation were circulated to the Board. The Board was advised that the full report would be available by 27 November and it was agreed that this should also be circulated.


Concern was expressed that data that illustrated a prevalence of certain crimes amongst young males of African Caribbean descent was often not address directly. There was agreement that a piece of work focussing directly on this issue was required.


The Board discussed gun crime and it was noted that the Police had recently had to respond to a number of serious incidents in Borough. Targeted work such as ‘Operation Swift’ was aimed at addressing chaotic gang crime. Within this there was a focus on working with the families of young people to tackle this problem. This approach reflected successful work that had been undertaken with young people to address gang related crime in America.


The Chair noted that in order to address entrenched patterns of behaviour and crime all of the agencies involved would need to take on board the experiences of other communities and countries. It was suggested that the Partnership’s approach to tackling gang related crime should be discussed by the HSP.


In response to a query with respect to Hate Crime, the Board was advised that reported incidents of race related crime were reducing; however, incidents of homophobic crime were increasing. Work would be carried out to analysis causes of this.


Anecdotal evidence suggested that as new communities developed and immigrants became more familiar the public services available, the Police had seen an increase in the number of hate crimes reported by people from these communities.


There was agreement that, in some areas, a greater breakdown of the information would be useful to illustrate where one factor may distorting the information. For example it was suggested that this could be applied to information with respect to drug and alcohol data in order to develop a more targeted approach.


It was noted that in December the SCEB PMG would be considering the implications for projects during the last year of the LAA and there was agreement that the findings of the DAAT Needs Assessment would need to be considered as part of this.




That the content of the report and presentation be noted.







Community Justice Court -Developments

A verbal report will be provided.


The Board received a verbal presentation on how the Community Justice Court pilot was progressing.


The new style of Court was intended to ensure that offenders understood the impact of their crimes of individuals and the local community and to make provide the opportunity for them to make a contribution to the community as part of their sentence.


Magistrates were also given training to assist them to look at the individuals backgrounds and assess how they could best assist them to change their patterns of behaviour and reduce the likely hood of re-offending. This approach was innovative and was resourced and supported by a ‘Help Desk’. This was staffed by a support team that worked with individuals and provided information for Magistrates to inform their decisions.


In response to a query as to what action was being taken to ensure that public confidence was not lost, due to what might be perceived as a more lenient approach being taken, the Board was advised that a great deal of effort had been made by individual Magistrates to explain what was happening as part of the pilot. Many Magistrates had briefed local community groups and any requests for this type of briefing would be met.


The Chair thanked ?? for the presentation.  


Information Sharing Protocol -Final and Next Steps

This report will be sent to follow.


The Board received a report that set out changes that had been made to the Information Sharing Protocol since the previous meeting.


It was requested that the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA(


Changes to London Fire and Emergency Planning Service pdf icon PDF 674 KB


Progress Update from Sub-Groups pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Restructure of Victim Support

A verbal report will be provided.


MPA/MPS Target Setting Process

A verbal report will be provided.


Zonal and Area Based Working Report pdf icon PDF 157 KB


The Board received a report that provided an update on the Zonal Working pilot operating in the South East of the Borough and that also set out proposals rolling out of the scheme across the Borough.


The Board was reminded that the pilot project for Zonal Working in the south of the Borough had been agreed to May 2009. The Problem Solving Group attached to this met on a monthly basis to deliver the objectives set out in its Terms of Reference.


It was noted that the pilot had raised a number of issues that would reflected in the rolling out of the scheme. These would be considered by the Zonal Steering Group, which was tasked with evaluating the project and ensuring that learning was shared.  If the Board was agreeable Steering Group would also lead on the rolling out of the project to the whole of the Borough.


The Chair noted that the pilot project had been successful in enabling the different agencies to analyse persistent issues as a group and then to pool funding to address these issues. She expressed her support for the rolling out of the scheme.


In response to a query as to the Third Sector could link into Zonal Working the Board was advised that at present there was not an established mechanism to facilitate this. However, any issues of concern could be raised with the local Neighbourhood Manager. There was agreement that the SCEB PMG should also consider this issue at its next meeting.


It was recognised that the Zonal based working represented a significant shift in working practice and there was agreement that consideration would ought to be given the training implications that this presented.


It was requested that information on the scheme was fed into the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) best practice structure.


The Board discussed the issue of displacement and it was acknowledged that in some instances resolving issues in one area, most notably anti social behaviour, meant that they were pushed into neighbouring areas. It was noted that communication with local residents was essential to monitor the impact of this on ‘the ground’.


It was noted that there had been significant success seen by other initiatives where targeted work had been carried out with families that were known to a range of agencies. The Board discussed the Diamond Districts initiative, which used this approach, and it was noted that if the initiative was adopted the area based working already taking place could be developed further.


Concern was expressed that the resources required to support the Diamond Districts initiative may not be available as budgets were reduced over the next two years. It was noted that the long term cost benefits that the project would bring would out weight the additional cost and that this would need to be balanced against the short term cost.


In conclusion the Board expressed its support for proposals to roll out Zonal Based working across the Borough.




That the proposals for the rolling  ...  view the full minutes text for item 154.


New Items of Urgent Business

To consider any news items of Urgent Business raised under Item 2 above.


Any Other Business

To raise any items of AOB.


Dates of Future Meetings

To note the date of the next meeting:


4 February 2010