Agenda and minutes

Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee
Tuesday, 13th September, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: The Londesborough Room, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, London N22. View directions

Contact: Natalie Cole  2919

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Gibson, Jane Hutchinson, Rachael MacDonald and Liz Richardson.



On Tuesday 19th July the SAC/CC (Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee and Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee) reviewed the Joint SAC/CC arrangements and agreed the recommendations of the Consultative Committee Working Group, which met on Monday 18th June, including the following recommendations:

  • In the spirit of building on what has already been achieved, there are further improvements to the joint meeting arrangements that could be made. See below:
  • Retain the joint meeting approach, but structure the meeting as two separate but consecutive formal meetings in sequence, first the CC and then the SAC.
  • The agenda could be common for both parts.
  • Councillor trustee members of the CC should attend and take part in the first meeting just as they would for the CC now. SAC members could be involved in the first meeting as participating but non-voting observers.
  • For the second part, which would be ring-fenced as formal SAC, members of the CC could attend as non participating observers.
  • Chairman of the SAC would be as of now, and chairman of the CC would be decided by the membership.


The Advisory Committee is recommended to agree the above points as a way forward for the Joint SAC/CC arrangements.


The notes of the CC and SAC/CC review working groups are included in the agenda pack for the Joint SAC/CC meeting starting at 19:30hrs on 13th September 2011. Or can be found at:



Clerk’s note: 19:05 hrs - The Vice Chair, Cllr Errol Reid, was in the chair for this item.


The Committee received the recommendations of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee Working Group, which met on Monday 18th June 2011.  The recommendations had been agreed by the Consultative Committee at a special meeting held on 6th September 2011 as a way forward for the Joint SAC/CC.


RESOLVED to agree the recommendations of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee Working Group as set out below:

  • In the spirit of building on what has already been achieved, there are further improvements to the joint meeting arrangements that could be made. See below:
  • Retain the joint meeting approach, but structure the meeting as two separate but consecutive formal meetings in sequence, first the CC and then the SAC.
  • The agenda could be common for both parts.
  • Councillor trustee members of the CC should attend and take part in the first meeting just as they would for the CC now. SAC members could be involved in the first meeting as participating but non-voting observers.
  • For the second part, which would be ring-fenced as formal SAC, members of the CC could attend as non participating observers.
  • Chairman of the SAC would be as of now, and chairman of the CC would be decided by the membership.



The SAC will adjourn to allow the Joint SAC/CC to take place at 19:30 hrs and will reconvene after the Joint meeting has ended.


The Advisory Committee adjourned at 19:10 hrs to allow the Joint Informal SAC/CC meeting to take place.


The Advisory Committee reconvened at 21.15 hrs.



Members of the Committee are invited to disclose any interest they may have in any of the items appearing on this agenda.


Councillor Demirci declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 8 (minute 16 below) (Review of Premises Licence for Alexandra Palace) as Chair of the LB Haringey Regulatory Committee and a member of the Licensing Committee which would be considering the licence. 


Councillor Reid declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 8 (Review of Premises Licence for Alexandra Palace) as he was a member of the LB Haringey Regulatory Committee and Licensing Committee which would be considering the licence. 


Both Councillors Demirci and Reid left the room during consideration of  agenda item 8 (minute number 16).


Councillor Beacham declared a personal interest as a member of the LH Haringey Regulatory and Licensing Sub Committee, although he would not sit on the Committee considering the Alexandra Palace premises licence.


Councillor Jenks declared a personal interest as he was a member of Warner Estate Residents’ Association (WERA).




i)          To approve the minutes of the Advisory Committee held on 31st May 2011 (attached) and note the Board’s response to the Advisory Committee’s recommendations.


ii)         To receive the draft minutes of the meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 9th May, 21st June and 21st July 2011 to be noted (included in the Joint SAC/CC agenda pack).


iii)        To receive the draft minutes of the meeting of the Consultative Committees held on 21st July (included in Joint the SAC/CC agenda pack) and 6th September 2011 (tabled) to be noted.


Additional documents:


a.         Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Advisory Committee held on 31st May 2011 be confirmed as a correct record and the Board’s response to the Advisory Committee’s recommendations be noted.


Matters arising


A Committee Member highlighted that the table of the Board’s responses to the Advisory Committee  (pages 7 -11 of the agenda pack) the response to question ii was different to the Board’s response recorded in the minutes of 21st June 2011.  


The Interim General Manager explained that the Board’s responses in the table of SAC recommendations were not necessarily always the same as recorded in the final minutes of the Board meetings.


RESOLVED that the Board be asked to formally consider and fully respond to the questions previously submitted and obtain independent advice on the Firoka matter.


b.         Alexandra Palace and Park Board


The draft minutes of the meeting of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 9th May, 21st June and 21st July 2011 were noted.


c.         Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee


The draft minutes of the meeting of the Consultative Committees held on 21st July and 6th September 2011 (tabled) were noted.




To make any recommendations to the Board regarding the report of the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, updating the Advisory Committee on events and works within the park further to discussions during the Joint Informal meeting of the Advisory and Consultative Committee (SAC/CC).


Report included in the 13/09/11 Joint SAC/CC agenda pack.


NOTED the Park Activities Update report, introduced by Mark Evison, Park Manager as set out in the report and the discussion during the Joint Informal SAC/CC meeting held at 19.30 hrs.




To make any recommendations to the Board regarding the report of the Managing Director, Alexandra Palace Trading Limited (APTL) advising the Advisory Committee on forthcoming events to the end of the financial year further to discussions during the Joint Informal meeting of the Advisory and Consultative Committee (SAC/CC).


Report included in the 13/09/11 Joint SAC/CC agenda pack.


NOTED the Forthcoming Events Update report, introduced by Rebecca Kane, Managing Director - Alexandra Palace Trading Company Limited (APTL) as set out in the report and the discussion during the Joint Informal SAC/CC meeting held at 19.30 hrs.



Review of the premises licence for Alexandra Palace

To agree any recommendations to the Board further to discussions during the Joint SAC/CC on the review of the premises licence, the consultation period and hearing process. Comments will be sought to assist Alexandra Palace in its preparation for this case.


Further to the discussion during the Joint Informal SAC/CC held at 19.30 hrs it was:


RESOLVED that the Statutory Advisory Committee would submit written representation to LB Haringey’s Licensing Committee in support of the licence incorporating the comments of the Joint Information SAC/CC.



To make any recommendations to the Board regarding the verbal governance discussed during the Joint Informal meeting of the Advisory and Consultative Committee (SAC/CC).


NOTED the verbal update on governance from Andrew Gill, Interim General Manager – Alexandra Palace during the Joint Informal SAC/CC meeting held at 19:30 hrs.




a.         Haringey Heartlands Planning Application


Clerk’s note: The members of the Committee who were members of the LB Haringey Planning Sub-Committee abstained from the discussion on the Haringey Heartlands Planning Application.


Further to the Joint SAC/CC discussion about Haringey Heartlands Planning Application, which would be considered by the Council’s Planning Sub-Committee on 22nd September 2011 it was:


RESOLVED:  That the Statutory Advisory Committee would make a submission to the Council’s Planning Department including the grounds for objection that the development would spoil and blight the views from the Park and affect its status as a Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), and that there were policies in place to protect the view.



b.         Thanks to Interim General Manager


The Committee expressed thanks to Andrew Gill, Interim General Manager, Alexandra Palace, who would be leaving his post in October.



To note the dates of future meetings of the Advisory Committee as follow:


Tuesday 8th November 2011

Tuesday 10th January 2012

Tuesday 6th March 2012


The next meeting would be held on Tuesday 8th November 2011 at 19:30 hrs.


Future meetings would be held on 10th January 2012 and 6th March 2012.




The meeting closed at 21:55 hrs.