Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 10th January, 2008 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Jeremy Williams  2919

No. Item



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Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Newton, who was substituted for by Councillor Aitken, and from Councillor Davies.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business (late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 18 below).


The committee received as urgent business the report ‘Budget Scrutiny 2008/09’.  The report was admitted as late business as it included recommendations made by the Overview & Scrutiny committee at its meeting of 7th January 2008.  The report would be considered as a new item of Urgent Business under item 18.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/or if it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.


Councillor Egan declared a personal interest in item 7: Cabinet Member Questions (Cllr Amin), in that he was on the Board of Urban Futures.


Councillor Winskill declared a personal interest in item 11: Direct Payments for Care Packages, in that a relative was considering seeking a care package.


Councillor Hare declared an interest in respect of item 9: Allotments Scrutiny Review Update, in that he was an allotment tenant.




To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, paragraph 29 of the Council’s constitution.


There were no such items.


Cabinet Member Questions: Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion and Involvement

Briefing from Councillor Lorna Reith, Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion and Involvement.


The committee received a briefing from the Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion and Involvement, outlining key issues and priorities within her portfolio.  These included the rapid improvement plan for Customer Services, the preparation of the Local Print and Design Framework in Communications and current staff consultation on the Customer Focus Charter.  The Cabinet Member was also pleased to report on the launch of Community Links (replacing the Community Empowerment Network), together with the on-going Making the Difference review and the second stage of the Council’s Beacon Bid.


In response to questions from Members, Cllr Reith stated that there was a planned delay to the transfer of repair functions from the Council’s Call Centre to Homes for Haringey.  The delay was an acknowledgement that the originally proposed start date was too ambitious, with a longer lead in time negotiated to minimise disruption to customers.  It was noted that the Committee would receive information on the outcome of the proposed transfer after the summer recess.


In response to an enquiry on the 30% data loss figure relating to the Call Centre, Cllr Reith informed the committee that this was caused by a one-off event where a utility company had drilled through a cable.


Members Enquires data was reported as very positive, with Members encouraged to communicate to the Cabinet Member their experience of using the system, particularly with regards to the quality of responses received.


The committee also noted the upcoming pilot of the Councillor Call to Action scheme in both the East and the West of the borough.  This would provide an opportunity for the proposed processes to be tested prior to its official launch in the new municipal year.  It was also noted that Members were to receive a briefing on this initiative at the upcoming informal meeting.




  1. That the committee be provided with information on the ‘It’s You We’re Working For’ slogan.


  1. That the committee receive information following the summer recess on the outcome of the transfer of the repair functions from the Call Centre to Homes for Haringey.


  1. That the committee be provided with total cost of the ‘Love Your Borough’ campaign.


  1. That Members provide the Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion and Involvement their experiences of Member Enquiries.


  1. That the committee be provided with data on Members Enquiries broken down by ward.


  1. That the committee receive a report back on the upcoming ‘Policy Conversation’ on the Roberts Commission.


  1. That the committee be provided with information on how many applications for Making the Difference money had been received.


  1. That the briefing be noted.



Allotments Scrutiny Review Update

(Report of the Assistant Director – Recreation)  To provide Overview and Scrutiny with an implementation update on Executive recommendations resulting from the 2005/6 Scrutiny Review on Allotments.



Councillor Hare declared a personal interest in this item, in respect of being an allotment tenant.


The committee received this report to be provided with an implementation update on the Executive recommendations resulting from the 2005/6 Scrutiny Review of allotments.


Officers updated Members on progress against each of the recommendations as detailed in the report.  In response to enquiries over initiatives to encourage those with disabilities to utilise allotment provision, Officers responded that projects had taken place in the past, but that these were reliant on external funding.  Members were pleased to learn however that a current project with Adult Social Services around Mental Health was currently ongoing.


The committee noted that clearance work had commenced on the Salisbury Road site, with active support from local groups.  The project would take approximately two years to bring the site back into use.


In response to queries from the Chair of the Haringey Allotments Forum, Officers stated that a 50% rent increase figure in the report was merely an illustrative demonstration of the level of investment required in allotments: there was currently no proposal for an increase of this nature to be introduced, as the budget setting process was ongoing.


Officers stated they were always looking to improve access to allotments, but that bringing new provision into use was more of a priority, as demand currently outstripped supply.




1.      That the committee be provided with information as to which allotments are lacking statutory protection, being held under housing powers, and potential mechanisms for bringing these under the allotments act.


2.      That the committee be provided with a note on available funding sources for allotments, including which had been pursued.


3.      That Senior Planning Officers ensure that allotments feature in Section 106 agreements in the future.


Sexual Health and HIV Strategy

(Report of the Director of Adult, Culture and Community Services)  To provide an update on the local implementation of the National Sexual Health and HIV Strategy.


The committee was provided with an update on the local implementation of the National Sexual Health and HIV Strategy.  Members were pleased to note significant progress being made against the action plan and good partnership working taking place with Health colleagues.


Officers stated that no figures currently existed relating to take-up following the restructuring of Drop-In clinics in the previous year, but that figures would be brought to the Sexual Health Partnership Board in due course.  It was agreed that the possibility of a Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee attending the Board as an observer be investigated.





1.        That information be provided on the effects of the changes to provision of Sexual Health Clinics both to the appropriate partnership boards and to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


2.        That the possibility of a Member of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee being able to attend and observe the Sexual Health Partnership Board be investigated.


3.        That the report be noted.


Direct Payments for Care Packages

(Report of the Director of Adult, Culture and Community Services)  To advise Members of the local performance in delivering Direct Payments to residents with care needs.


Councillor Winskill declared a personal interest in respect of this item, in that a relative was considering seeking a care package.


This report advised Members of the local performance in delivering Direct Payments to Residents with care needs.


The Direct Payments programme provided money for individuals to employ their own carers directly.  Members were informed of developments concerning the scheme, such as an agency scheme, where agencies would take on a rôle on the Council’s behalf.  The committee was also informed of the government’s new grant to further the self-directed care agenda.


It was emphasised that the project made individuals responsible for their care; individuals were responsible for signing a contact and submitting monthly accounts to the Council.  Although the Council’s Duty of Care remained, attempts could be made to recoup monies that were misdirected by the individual if the Council subsequently had to step in to provide care as a result of this misdirection.  It was noted that an assessment by a social worker underpinned the level of payment being delivered.


It was noted that a restriction on employing certain relatives as carers existed within the provision.


The decision on whether to receive direct payments rested the individual themselves, with the Council under a legal obligation to offer the option.  Members noted the importance of the scheme, and requested a further briefing on its operation.




  1. That Officers arrange for Members a briefing on Direct Payments for Care Packages.


  1. That the report be noted.


Cabinet Member Questions: Cabinet Member for Enterprise and Regeneration

Briefing from Councillor Kaushika Amin, Cabinet Member for Enterprise and Regeneration


Councillor Egan declared a personal interest in this item by nature of being on the board of Urban Futures.


The committee received a briefing from Councillor Kaushika Amin, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, who addressed committee on key issues in her portfolio.


It was noted that outline permission had been granted for the GLS site, with a detailed application following.  The Council was working in partnership with both principal developer Lea Valley Estates, and with City Islington for the student accommodation element.  It was planned that the project would eventually be a wholly private development.


In terms of the current status of the Hornsey Central Depot project, the Cabinet Member and Officers confirmed to the committee that they were awaiting the receipt of the pre-application consultation strategy, and agreed to provide a timetable to the committee upon its receipt.


In terms of Conservation Area Appraisals, it was accepted that the proposed five months was a tight timetable, but Members were assured by Officers that an amount of work had already been completed, and were happy with the schedule.


Officers confirmed that Building Control had lost three developers within the last year, with these developers able to go elsewhere other than the Council.  This re-iterated the desire for jobs to be priced in a competitive way, as departure of developers upset a joined-up approach to working.


Members made suggestions for improving the Business Support website, including incorporating more contact links, improving the business plan guidance section, and improving the access to the Trading Standards Page.  Officers agreed to look at these suggestions.


Officers stated that recruitment issues continued for the Building Control team, but that the team continued to perform comparatively well.  A backlog in Development Control cases stated to be a blip in the summer relating to small applications, and that progress now back on track.


In terms of the Haringey Guarantee, Officers were pleased to state that 149 individuals had secured employment, with over 1,000 people involved in the scheme.  It was planned that individuals would be tracked for one year after securing employment


Officers also stated their desire to secure a high profile retailer for the Ward’s Corner Development.




1.         That the timetable for the Pre-Application Consultation Strategy for Haringey Heartlands be provided to the committee.


2.         That Officers provide information to Members on Business Support, including the provision of a seminar if required.


3.         That Councillor Amin review the Business Support website, incorporating ensuring the provision of further business planning information.


4.         That Officers provide to Members information on issues regarding the Swan Development in Tottenham.


5.         That the briefing be noted.


Mobile Phone Masts Update

(Report of the Director of Urban Environment)  To update the committee on the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of Mobile Phone Masts. 


The committee received a report on progress on procedures for dealing with Mobile Phone Mast proposals within the borough.


Officers stated that there had been a reduction in the number of applications since the publication of the review.  The committee learned that relationships with mobile phone mast providers had also improved significantly in this period, with a meeting taking place and another due to take place in the coming month.  Officers also agreed to ensure that the Council’s Mast Register was easily accessible on the Haringey website.




  1. That the committee and Councillor Bevan be provided with more detailed information concerning recommendations thirteen and fourteen of the view, responsible to Finance.


  1. That Members of the committee be provided a link to the Council’s Mast Register.


  1. That the update be noted.


  1. That the committee place on record their thanks to the out-going Assistant Director – Planning, Policy and Development for her hard work on behalf of the Council.


Children & Young People's Service Annual Performance Assessment

(Report of the Director of the Children & Young People’s Service)  To report on the outcome of the Children & Young People’s Service Annual Performance Assessment.


Councillor Egan took the Chair for this item.


The committee received a report on the outcome of the Children & Young People’s Service’s Annual Performance Assessment.


Officers were congratulated on an encouraging report and asked for points of clarification on a number of issues.  Officers confirmed that funding was not currently supplied to the Service retrospectively for children who joined schools mid-way through the school year; other challenges also had to be overcome by nature of the borough’s high levels of mobile population.


In terms of reducing school absences amongst Looked After Children (LAC), it was noted that the recent placing of the LAC Education Team within the wider Looked After Children team was proving to be beneficial, through working with fosters carers and schools.




1.  That the outcomes of the Annual Performance Assessment be noted.


Scrutiny Review on Resourcing of Safer and Stronger Communities LAA Targets

(Report of the Chair of the Review Panel)  To approve the final report of the Scrutiny Review Panel.


Councillor Egan took the Chair for this item.


The committee received this report to approve the conclusions and recommendations of the Scrutiny Review on Resourcing of Safer and Stronger Communities LAA Targets.  The committee learned that the new arrangements had led to an approximate 10% income for the service, with a variety of funding streams, including European, being looked at to bridge this gap.  Representations were also continuing to be made to Central Government over the comparatively low level of Haringey’s grant settlement.




  1. That the Leader be asked to write to Central Government, copying the Chair and Committee in, on the issue of the low level of settlement for Haringey.


  1. That the conclusions and recommendations of the review be adopted as outlined in the report.


Scrutiny Review: the North Middlesex University Hospital application for Foundation Trust Status

(Report of the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee)  To report the Scrutiny Review Panels recommendations regarding the North Middlesex University Hospitals applications for foundation trust status.


Councillor Bull returned to the Chair from this item onwards.


The committee received the recommendations from the Scrutiny Review Panel regarding the North Middlesex Hospital’s application for foundation trust status.  The committee thanked the efforts of the staff involved and endorsed the recommendations.




1.  That the recommendations of the report be endorsed and referred to Cabinet.


Scrutiny Review of Neighbourhood Management

(Report of the Chair of the Review Panel)  To approve the terms of reference for the Scrutiny Review of Neighbourhood Management.


The committee received this report to approve the scope and terms of reference of a Scrutiny Review of Neighbourhood Management.  Members noted that this review would be chaired by Councillor Davies, and expressed their agreement with its proposed survey of Councillors and use of Haringey People as part of its proposed research.




  1. That the scope and terms of reference of the review be approved.


  1. That the review additionally utilise the experience of Officers in dealing with the service.


Review of Homes for Haringey and Registered Social Landlords: Feasibility Study

(Report of the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee)  To consider the feasibility of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee commissioning a scrutiny review on Homes for Haringey and Registered Social Landlords.


The committee received this report to consider the feasibility of commissioning a full Scrutiny review on the performance of Social Housing Providers in Haringey.


It was noted that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee would begin to receive Quarterly Reports from Homes for Haringey, and that a review of the nature suggested would be more effective following the introduction of the new local liaison structure.  




1.        That the contents of the report be noted, included its conclusions for further Scrutiny involvement in Homes for Haringey.


2.        That the committee defer a possible scrutiny of RSLs in Haringey to a time determined by the committee.


3.        That the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny write to the Common Standards Working Group requesting information on which standards were being agreed, and a timetable for the publication of the Minimum Service Standards Statement.


New Items of Urgent Business


The committee received as urgent business the report ‘Budget Scrutiny 2008/09’.  The report was admitted as late business as it included recommendations made by the Overview & Scrutiny committee at its meeting of 7th January 2008.




1.  That the comments to be forwarded to the Cabinet regarding the budget proposals under consideration and the areas where the Committee would like the Cabinet to take account of the Committee’s recommendations as stated in the report be agreed.




To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on December 3rd 2007.




  1. That the minutes of the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 3rd December 2007 be confirmed and signed.