Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/07/2013 - Crouch End, Hornsey and Stroud Green Area Forum and Committee (Item 5)



20mph consultation


Residents were asked to get involved in the consultation by completing the consultation documents available on the website -


The consultation would continue until the end of October 2013, and the results would be reported to the Cabinet meeting in December 2013.


Hornsey Depot




NOTED the following points raised by residents, which would be passed on to the developers:

·               It was important that the historic nature of Hornsey Baths was preserved – would the building still be kept as part of the development?

·               Traffic was already an issue in the local area – would the building of the flats affect pedestrians.

·               A resident in Moselle Close expressed concerns over the height of the buildings – 10 storeys was too high when building so close to a residential street.

·               Density would be an issue.

·               Would there by cycle access and parking throughout the site?

·               Further public consultation was required, as the plans did not clearly show the density of the buildings.

·               Employment – Sainsburys needed to ‘think local’ when it came to employing staff.

·               Who would the housing be aimed at?

·               Residents and small local businesses would be affected by the development.

·               The higher levels of traffic would impact on parking.




Members suggested that an event should be set up for the local community to look at the plans in detail, and make comments.  The Area Forum could then formally submit a response to the planning application.


ACTION:  Chair to speak with Marc Dorfman / Planning to arrange a meeting.


Parish Pump


ACTION: to include as an item on the next agenda.


Changes to local policing


It was clear that more advertising was required with regards to the community contact points, as well as providing information on cover for the wards.


There was also a risk that the wards would be losing officers who had a wealth of knowledge about the local area – were the new Inspectors doing anything to preserve this knowledge and pass on to new officers?


ACTION:  Chair to write to the Borough Commander for a response on the above issues.


Finsbury Park Supplementary Planning Document


ACTION: Marc Dorfman to investigate whether the consultation period can be extended, and to inform Councillors of the outcome.