Issue - meetings

Presentations of Spatial Masterplan for Alexandra Palace & Basis of Public Consultation on Regeneration Assumptions, Options and Parameters

Meeting: 03/04/2012 - Alexandra Palace and Park Board (Item 201)

Presentations of Spatial Masterplan for Alexandra Palace & Basis of Public Consultation on Regeneration Assumptions, Options and Parameters

Report of the Chief Executive Alexandra Palace – detailing

(a) Presentation of Spatial Masterplan for Alexandra Palace.

(b) Presentation of Basis of Public Consultation on Regeneration Assumptions, Options and Parameters.





Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of Duncan Wilson, APP Chief Executive, as set out in the agenda pack.


Mr Wilson introduced Sir Terry Farrell and the team from Terry Farrell and Partners, and John Harrison from Harrison Fraser.


The Chair asked and it was AGREED nemine contradicentethat standing orders be suspended to enable the specialist architects and spatial masterplanners Sir Terry Farrell and Partners, and Harrison Fraser to address the Board.


The Board received succinct power point presentation– copies of which will be attached to the minutes of the proceedings. The power point presentations detailed in the main the contents of Annexes A-C attached to the circulated report.


Following the presentations the Board sought and received clarification of points raised, and the following were noted:


·        that an extensive period of evaluation had resulted in the 10 architectural propositions that aligned with the business plan of live entertainment and sport as detailed in the annexe A;

·        The Board commented on and were directed to the scale models on display;

·        That the main emphasis of the masterplan was to ensure that ideas could be considered within the context of an overall long term strategy.

·        The long-term development would be carried out in stages, with some level of capital investment.  The consultation would help to identify which areas should / could be developed, and this would help to inform the level of funds required.

·        The consultation process would involve a mixture of an exhibition within the Palace, publicity both nationally and locally in the press/media, together with a number of briefings with the public and key stakeholders.  Information would be available on the Alexandra Palace website and on social media.


The Board expressed the following comments:


·        That the draft consultation document was a first distillation of the on-going regeneration plans for Alexandra Palace, and the combined efforts of officers of the Trust and consultants were commended;

·        that  the key messages as outlined needed to be clearly emphasised as underpinning the future of Alexandra Palace, and that the messages put to the public should convey a clear sense of direction on the part of the Trust;

·        The overall issue of target audiences was commented on and the work involved in reaching out to the public was agreed to be considerable. Mr Wilson commented that there would be extensive use of the local and national press, free evening and daily London papers, and material aimed at audiences attending events taking place at the Park and Palace – e.g. The Red Bull event which would attract both London wide and national media/public interest

·        Concerns were raised by the Board with regards to ‘key messages’ from the consultation. Without strong branding the consultation could be missed amongst other Alexandra Palace information. The Chair requested that the draft key consultation messages to Board members be circulated for comment prior to finalisation, by 19 April 2012. Mr Wilson undertook to do this.

·        Concerns that the public may not be clear on what they were exactly being consulted on and how  ...  view the full minutes text for item 201