Issue - meetings

Rebuilding Tottenham Update Report

Meeting: 20/12/2011 - Cabinet (Item 92)

92 Tottenham Regeneration Programme - Progress Update, Next Steps and Governance pdf icon PDF 539 KB

(Report the Director of Place and Sustainability – To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Social Inclusion): To provide an update on the work being undertaken to rebuild and regenerate Tottenham following the disturbances in August and to seek endorsement of the proposed governance arrangements to oversee the regeneration programme.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report that provided an update with respect to progress and key activities that had been undertaken as part of the Tottenham Regeneration Programme (TRP) which had been formed following the disturbances in August. The report also sought endorsement of the proposed governance arrangements to oversee the programme.


It was noted that there had been engagement with the shadow Health and Wellbeing Board (sHWB) and that flowing from this contact with a colleagues from across the health sector had been established. This approach would ensure that there was synergy between the emerging Health and Wellbeing Strategy (HWS) and work being undertaken by Public Health and the regeneration programme.


Cabinet was advised that the Mayor would be coming to Tottenham in January and making an announcement regarding the level of funding that it would from his office. Plans for this use of additional funding for Tottenham would be centred around tangible outcomes that would benefit the local community.


Thanks was expressed to officers that had worked both on the frontline to restore




  1. That progress made since the disturbances in restoring community and business confidence be noted.


  1. That the broad principles underpinning the development of the Regeneration Strategy for Tottenham be endorsed.


  1. That the governance framework outlined in Appendix 1 of the report, to oversee the development of the strategy and the delivery of the regeneration programme for Tottenham, be endorsed.