Issue - meetings

Haringey Debate - "Health Inequalities"

Meeting: 18/07/2011 - Full Council (Item 27)

Haringey Debate - "Health Inequalities"

To consider how and what the Council can do to tackle health inequalities whilst seeking to embed public health work generally in all aspects of the Council's work.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive outlined the procedure for the first occasion where the Council had a Haringey Debate.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services, Councillor Dogus, gave an introduction of the debate on how and what the Council could do to tackle health inequalities whilst seeking to embed public health work generally in all aspects of the Council’s work.


Councillor Dogus introduced Mr Jason Strelitz who would address the meeting, and advised that he had held a number of public policy and research roles, and was a senior research fellow on the Marmot Review and currently a speciality trainee in public health with Southwark Primary Care Trust.


The Mayor invited Mr Strelitz to give his 10 minute presentation in respect of health inequalities.


The Mayor then asked Councillor Waters to give a 5  minute presentation on the priorities of the Cross-Party Working Group in her capacity as Chair of the Working Group.


Following this the Mayor announced that there would be 40 minutes for debating, with a maximum of 3 minutes speaking time for each speaker.


At the conclusion of the debate, the Mayor invited Councillor Dogus to respond.

The Mayor thanked members for their participation.