Issue - meetings

recommendations to Cabinet

Meeting: 08/09/2009 - Children's Safeguarding Policy and Practice Advisory Committee (Item 18)

Recommendations to Cabinet

A verbal update will be given on any recommendations to be made to Cabinet on referrals and initial assessments.


The Committee considered draft recommendations to be reported to Cabinet to take forward improvements to the safeguarding of children. The Chair would be meeting with the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People to discuss the draft recommendations prior to informal presentation of the recommendations at the special Overview and Scrutiny meeting on child protection on 17 September.


Recommendations would include:

·      That a review and necessary improvements be made to GP attendance at multi agency and NHS child safeguarding training.

·      The development of explicit exit strategies in conjunction with partner agencies for the closure of cases previously subject to a Core Assessment.

·      Ensuring training for council and partner agency staff as necessary in the new referrals threshold guidance.  

·      Improving systems for obtaining the views of service users, in particular those in receipt of social services but who are not CiC.

·      Improving the transition from children to adult social services, in particular those in receipt of social care services but who are not CiC. In addition that communication between children’s and adult social services be reviewed and improved as necessary.

·      That the Council lobbies government in relation to issues identified with the initial and core assessment process including the format and focus of the forms and deadline for completion.  

·      That the Council lobbies government in relation to the definition of ‘significant harm’, particularly in relation to the long term effects of neglect.




·      That the draft recommendations to be reported to Cabinet be noted.