Issue - meetings

To receive the report of the Chief Executive

Meeting: 19/01/2009 - Full Council (Item 79)

79 To receive the report of the Chief Executive pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


(a)   Council Tax Base for 2009/10


The Mayor agreed to the admission of this item as urgent business. The report was not available at the time of despatch as the calculation of the tax base was usually agreed by the Chief Financial Officer exercising delegated authority. However, it was urgent because of the need to agree a revision to the policy for locally defined discount for second homes which required a decision of the full Council. The deadline for providing this information to levying authorities was 31 January 2009.




1.      That in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992, the amount calculated by the Council of the London Borough of Haringey as its tax base for the year 2009/10 be set at 85,060.


2.      That the level of discount for second homes (Class A and B) be set at 10%.


(b)  Changes to Political Groups and Appointments to Committees and Sub Committees


The Mayor agreed to the admission of this item as urgent business. The report could not be circulated earlier as information was awaited from recent party Group meetings. It was urgent in order to permit changes to be made to Council body appointments.




1.      That it be noted that following a by - election on 15 January 2009, Joe Goldberg had been elected to represent Seven Sisters Ward and that he was a member of the Labour Group.

2.      That the following changes to the Labour Group memberships of committees be agreed:

         Councillor Santry to replace Councillor Khan on the Standards Committee.

         Councillor Santry to Chair the White Hart Lane and Northumberland Park Area Assembly.

         Councillor Goldberg to fill the vacancy on Tottenham Hale and Seven Sisters Area Assembly.