49 Annual Review 2007/08 PDF 55 KB
The Board received a report that informed Members of proposed content of the Annual Review of Safer Communities activity and delivery during 2007/08.
It was noted there was a requirement to report to the public on the outcomes of Partnership working. The document presented would be formatted and made available in leaflet form for the public and circulated to Councillors and local libraries.
In response to a query it was confirmed that the document would be made available in other languages on request.
The Board discussed the Annual Review and the following points were raised:
The Chair noted that the title ‘Annual Review’ may be misleading as in implied that a review of all of the activities within the responsibility of Safer Communities Team would be reviewed. There was agreement that an alternative title that better described the content and purpose of the document was identified.
It was confirmed that the document had been reviewed to ensure that the language used was accessible to all. However, it was recognised that there were still areas that could be simplified further and this would be addressed.